
měi ɡuó lán qiú xié huì
  • American Basketball Association;ABA
  1. 不过,林书豪出现了,这位台湾裔的美籍运动员已经成为了美国篮球协会(NBA)新星。

    Then along came Jeremy Lin , a Taiwanese-American phenomenon who has been the story of the season in the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) .

  2. 俄罗斯首富普罗霍洛夫(MikhailProkhorov)欲收购新泽西网队(NewJerseyNets)的控股股权,这一举动令美国篮球协会(NationalBasketballAssociation,NBA)麻烦最多的一支球队马上拥有了现金,可以在纽约市的布鲁克林建造早就说过的球场。

    Russia 's richest man is buying a controlling stake in the New Jersey Nets in a move that instantly turns one of the National Basketball Association 's most troubled franchises into a team with the cash to build a long-promised arena in Brooklyn , N.Y.

  3. 美国国家篮球协会又称NBA已变得家喻户晓。

    The teams of the National Basketball Association or NBA are becoming household names .

  4. 虽然美国职业篮球协会(NationalBasketballAssociation)的板凳球员每年能挣到逾50万美元,但职业游戏玩家却拿不到这么多。

    While even bench warmers in the National Basketball Association make more than $ 500,000 a year , the same is not true of professional gamers .

  5. 记住,美国篮球运动员协会很厌恶杰克逊的评论,他们呼吁NBA总裁亚当-肖华介入其中。

    Remember , the National Basketball Players Association was so irked by Jackson 's comments that it called on NBA commissioner Adam Silver to step in .

  6. 美国国家篮球协会(NBA)近日宣布,NBA全球赛将在中国举办两场金州勇士队对明尼苏达森林狼队的季前赛。

    The National Basketball Association ( NBA ) Global Games is to feature two pre-season games in China between the Golden State Warriors and the Minnesota Timberwolves , the NBA announced .

  7. 由于一名手无寸铁的黑人男子被警方枪击引发愤怒,8月26日,密尔沃基雄鹿队发起了一场史无前例的抵制美国职业篮球协会(NBA)季后赛的活动,导致联盟的三场比赛被迫推迟。

    The Milwaukee Bucks staged an unprecedented boycott of the NBA playoffs on Wednesday , forcing the league to postpone three games following outrage over the latest shooting of an unarmed black man by US police .

  8. 1946年的今天,美国国家篮球协会成立。

    1946-National Basketball Association is founded in the United States .

  9. 在美国国家篮球协会的职业篮球队中,国外出生的球员人数,过去20年来增加了两倍。

    The number of foreign-born players in America 's professional National Basketball Association has tripled in the past two decades .

  10. 美国国家篮球协会总裁大为·斯特恩说,国家篮球协会为他能在这个非常重要问题上率先表态而感到骄傲。

    NBA Commissioner David Stern said the league was proud he has assumed the leadership mantle on this very important issue .

  11. 美国职业篮球协会正在调查可能是洛杉矶快船队老板唐纳德·斯特林和他混血女友在对话时使用了种族言论的录音。

    The NBA is investigating a recording supposedly of Los Angeles ' Clippers ' owner Donald Sterling making a racist comment to his mixed-race girlfriend .

  12. 美国国家篮球协会的篮球运动员杰森·科林斯宣布自己是同性恋,成为第一个在美国主要的职业运动队中公开自己性取向的现役运动员。

    Jason Collins , a National Basketball Association player has become the first active player in a major professional U.S. team sport to reveal he is homosexual .

  13. 与美国棒球联盟不同,美国篮球协会和其它联盟内的薪水是封顶的。

    Unlike Major League Baseball , salaries in the National Basketball Association and some other leagues are capped .

  14. 路透社(Reuters)调查显示,分析师此前预计该季度净利润将为62.6亿元人民币,但腾讯与美国家庭电影频道(HBO)和美国全国篮球协会(USNationalBasketballAssociation)等机构达成内容协议的花费拉低了业绩。

    Analysts had estimated net income would be Rmb6.26bn , according to a Reuters poll but performance was weighed down by the costs of content deals with the likes of HBO and the US National Basketball Association .