
  • 网络American Foundation
  1. 本文作者是新美国基金会(newamericafoundation)经济发展项目政策主任

    The writer is the policy director of the economic growth programme at the new America Foundation

  2. 这是近期由我在新美国基金会(NewAmericaFoundation)的同事威廉o埃利奥特提出的方法。

    This is an approach recently articulated by my New America Foundation colleague , William Elliott .

  3. 这不是直接仿造,但看起来的确很眼熟,华盛顿新美国基金会(NewAmericaFoundation)无人机作战专家彼得.辛格(PeterSinger)说,

    It 's not a direct copy , but it sure does look familiar , said Peter Singer , an expert on drone warfare at the New America Foundation in Washington .

  4. JuneSugiyama是沃达丰美国基金会的主管。

    June Sugiyama is director of the Vodaphone Americas Foundation .

  5. 华盛顿新美国基金会(NewAmericaFoundation)的无人机作战专家彼得.辛格(PeterSinger)说:它们的作战记录非常有限,很难(与美国武器)进行比较。

    Their combat record is so limited it is hard to make a comparison [ with US weapons ] , said Peter Singer , an expert on drone warfare at the New America Foundation in Washington .

  6. 其他几个美国基金会也已经合作建立了非洲高等教育伙伴关系(PHEA)。

    And several other US foundations have collaborated to establish the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa ( PHEA ) .

  7. 第二部分是关于美国基金会的历史考察。

    The second part was the historical study on American modern foundations .

  8. 美国基金会:历史与作用

    American Foundations : History and Function

  9. 第一章界定了美国基金会的定义,回顾了其发展历史。

    The first chapter defines the definition of America Foundation , recalls the history of its development .

  10. 这笔钱将成为哥斯达黎加&美国基金会管理的一笔国家信托资金的一部分。

    The money will be part of a national trust under the administration of the Costa Rica-USA Foundation .

  11. 借鉴美国基金会发展的成功经验,少走弯路,推动我国基金会的健康发展。

    Using the successful experience of the American foundations , we can promote its healthy development in China .

  12. 最近,格雷牧师在名为新美国基金会的某公共政策研究组织上对此主持了一场专题讨论。

    Reverend Gray recently led a discussion on the subject at the New America Foundation , a public policy research organization .

  13. 第二,基金会的运作机制,主要介绍美国基金会的成立程序、组织结构、运作方式和监督体制。

    Secondly , this chapter was mainly about the application procedure of American foundations , organization structure , ways of function and supervisory system .

  14. 美国基金会作为国际环境外交中的重要参与者,在应对气候变化国际合作中发挥了不可忽视的作用。

    Being an important participant in the international environmental diplomacy , the American Foundations play a significant role to deal with the global climate change .

  15. 第四章总结美国基金会的经验,归纳了美国基金会在应对气候变化国际合作中给人们带来的启示。

    The fourth chapter summarizes the experience of the American Foundations , generalizes enlightenment the American Foundations bring to people in the international cooperation on climate change .

  16. 我国学术界主要是从社会学的角度研究美国基金会,或者大都是关于美国某个基金会的介绍,较少将美国基金会作为整体进行研究。

    At present , studies for American foundations in the academia mainly focus on the perspective of sociology , or the introduction about American certain foundation , which is lack of taking American foundations as a whole entity .

  17. 在近期由美国瑞士基金会(americanswissfoundation)主办的一次苏黎世-伯尔尼之旅中,我发现很多瑞士人仍对此愤恨不已。

    On a recent trip to Zurich and Bern hosted by the American Swiss Foundation , I found many Swiss still resentful .

  18. 美国脑膜炎基金会(FA)忙扶助脊髓脑膜炎患者及他们的家人。

    The Meningitis Foundation of America ( MFA ) helps support sufferers of spinal meningitis and their families .

  19. 香港经常被美国传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)列为全球最自由的经济体。该基金会对香港政府的低税率政策十分赞赏,哪怕是非常富有的人也享有很低的税率。

    Hong Kong is routinely ranked as the world 's freest economy by the conservative Heritage Foundation , which admires the government 's policy of taxing even very rich people at very low rates .

  20. 美国克林顿基金会(ClintonFoundation)将为这项规模100亿美元、发电量300万千瓦的项目融资。项目如果成功,这座以商业为主的印度西部邦将被推至太阳能技术的最前沿。

    The US-based Clinton Foundation will provide support raising financing for the $ 10bn , 3,000 megawatt project , which if successful will catapult the mercantile western Indian state into the forefront of solar technology .

  21. 在参考了美国国家基金会(NSF)的CAREER提出的IP-DiffServ的动态定价机制后,提出了一个以市场和计划为基础的优化动态定价机制。

    After referring to the IP-DiffServ adaptive pricing mechanism of NSF CAREER , this paper presents an optimal adaptive resource pricing mechanism on the base of market and plan .

  22. 倾向保守的华盛顿美国传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)研究员史剑道(DerekScissors)表示:中国坐拥大量美元,而美国经济是唯一足够大、也足够稳定的地方来吸收这些资产。

    China is sitting on a huge pile of dollars and the US economy is the only place big and solid enough to absorb it back , said Derek Scissors , a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington .

  23. 又到了CNN学生新闻的点名节目环节,我们将会从cnnstudentnews.com的文本找寻学校。我们首先关注墨西哥的墨西哥城美国学校基金会中学。

    Time for the CNN STUDENT NEWS " Roll Call " from yesterday 's transcript page at cnnstudentnews.com , we heard from Mexico City , Mexico , the American school foundation , the middle school is on today 's roll .

  24. 近期,美国AGAPE基金会多次以捐赠的名义向我国转移不合格医疗器械,甚至医疗垃圾,存在重大的安全和健康隐患。

    Recently , US foundation AGAPE has repeatedly diverted unqualified medical instrument , sometimes medical waste , to China under the guise of donation , presenting hidden danger to security and health .

  25. 美国卡内基基金会近期发布了本科教育分类方案,这是基金会首次将本科教育分类独立设置。

    The Carnegie foundation has published the undergraduate instructional program recently .

  26. 美国私人基金会及其支持科学事业的考察

    U.S. Private Foundations and the Characters of their Support for Science

  27. 仅仅美国的基金会管理的资产就达到7000亿美元左右。

    US foundations alone have around $ 700bn in assets .

  28. 美国慈善基金会发展的历史进程研究

    The Study on the Historical Development of U.S. Philanthropic Foundations

  29. 美国大学基金会成功因素分析及启示

    Analysis on Success of American University Foundations and Its Enlightenment

  30. 美国私人基金会在美国文化外交中的作用探析

    The Analysis of Private Foundation 's Participation in American Cultural Diplomacy Function