
  • 网络free advertising
  1. 此外,乔布斯还从Mac发布中学到了“事件营销”的手段,通过精心策划产品的发布,创造出价值数千万甚至数亿美元的免费广告。

    The carefully-planned generation of excitement surrounding each first release results in tens , even hundreds of millions of dollars of free advertising .

  2. 李奥贝纳公司补充说明一份,对免费广告事宜的补充说明;

    Leo Burnett Co. ′ s supplemental statement , to give further details about the free advertising event .

  3. 我千万百计在迈克·迈克尔展览会上登了一次免费广告。

    I managed to get a plug on the Mike Michael show .

  4. 病毒性营销的理念是,你把你的免费广告或使用人贱。

    The idea behind viral marketing is that you include your ad with the freebie people giveaway or use .

  5. 但现在,有充分的总统竞选免费广告,他们希望能利用上。

    But they now have had a presidential campaign full of free advertising , and they want to capitalize .

  6. 许多企业不过就是运用文宣与新闻稿,创造了上百万美元效果的免费广告。

    Many businesses have generated millions of dollars of free advertising using nothing more than press kits and news releases .

  7. 如果联想只是想做免费广告那就太不道德了。

    If Lenovo make these mistakes on purpose just to get free advertisements , they should be punished because it 's unethical .

  8. 会呀,不过想想它所带来的免费广告——随着世界政治局势的状况,这些T恤自己就可以行销自己了!

    Yes , but think of all the free advertising that will bring-with world politics as they are , the shirts will market themselves !

  9. 这样,你在赠送受人欢迎的礼物的同时,也是在为自己做一种免费广告。

    Not only are you giving a gift which is always well received , you are giving yourself a bit of free advertising in the process .

  10. 他认为,如果博物馆认为自拍是一种免费广告,他们应该鼓励游客拍出更好的照片。

    If the museums think of the selfie as a free form of advertising , he argued , they should encourage visitors to take a better picture .

  11. 他说:爱狗人士给玉林市做了免费广告,这么多人慕名来此吃狗肉,我们就只能花更高的价钱买狗肉。

    ' The dog lovers are providing Yulin with free advertising . There are so many people coming here to eat , so we have to pay more . '

  12. 他既挣了钱,又做了免费的广告!

    He is making money and receiving free advertising to boot !

  13. 美国科技博客“商业内幕人士”(BusinessInsider)猜测,作为回报,Zynga因此将可在Facebook上获得免费的广告位。

    The Business Insider blog speculates that Zynga will get free ad space on Facebook in return .

  14. 相反,一个名叫克雷格(Craig)的人创办了克雷格清单网站(Craigslist,美国免费分类广告网站——译注)。

    Contrastingly , Craigslist was created by someone called Craig .

  15. 本月,环球唱片(UniversalMusicGroup)在给纽约州和康涅狄格州检察长的一封信中说,它并未与苹果达成任何可能损害免费或广告支持服务可用性的协议。

    This month , the Universal Music Group said in a letter to the state attorneys general of New York and Connecticut that it had no agreements with Apple that would impede the availability of free or ad-supported services .

  16. 免费分类广告,按地区划分。

    Free classified ads in every category , organized by locale .

  17. 他们也就给了我们免费的广告空间。

    and that they give us free advertising space in it .

  18. 其他一些网站比如,能给我们提供免费的广告空间。

    YouTube Other websites like YouTube provide us a free advertising space .

  19. 原来的设计是免费的广告,并设计了丹里斯。

    The original design was free of advertisements , and was designed by Dan Ries .

  20. 哇!龙妹的靓相和宝贝都在电视里面,这回可是免费做广告了!

    Sister Long 's beautiful pics and cowry are on TV , and at this time it 's a free advertisement !

  21. 软件许可:免费附带广告屏幕保护程序充满天使这个季节保佑你。

    Flash software description : about animated angels of christmas , the screen saver is full of angels to bless you this season .

  22. 今天他所创办的克雷格清单网站已经取代报纸,成为一个大型的免费分类广告网。分类广告一直是各大报纸的主要收入来源。

    Today his Craig 's List is a free alternative to the classified ads that have been a major source of earnings for newspapers .

  23. 他之所以于二月下台,是因为一个绯闻网站张贴出了他的赤膊照片,他曾经将这些照片发给在“克雷格清单”(一个网上免费分类广告网站)上认识的一个女人。

    He stepped down in February after a gossip website posted shirtless pictures he had sent to a woman he had met on Craigslist .

  24. 运动员如果没有运动鞋赞助商,他们可能不希望为任何公司免费做广告,更希望表明他们是自由选手。

    Athletes who have no shoe sponsor may not want to give free advertising to any company , preferring to signal that they are free agents .

  25. 允许人们免费刊登广告电子书如果您在交流他们放弃了自己的电子书网站访客或电子邮件锌订户。

    Allow people to place an advertisement in your free ebook if , in exchange , they give away the ebook to their web visitors ore-zine subscribers .

  26. 虽然礼品带有标识给人的意外也只是正面的,但需要让收礼人感到他们得到的是一件高质量的礼品,而不是一种免费的广告宣传品。

    Through it 's a positive side effect , the recipient needs to feel they are getting a gift of quality and not just a bit of free advertising .

  27. 8月,有报道说微软将会发布免费的,广告支持版本的MicrosoftWorks,它是一个lite版的办公软件。

    In August , it was reported that Microsoft will offer a free , ad supported version of Microsoft Works , its'lite'office suite .

  28. PIX的最终可能出现广告支持的一个载体,而免费的商业广告纷纷表示,将收取额外费用。

    PIX could end up ad-supported on one carrier while free of commercials on another that will charge an extra fee .

  29. 跟其他服务不同的是,Simplenote的免费服务含有广告。而不含广告、并提供可与在线存储服务Dropbox同步这类功能的尊享版则每年收费20美元。

    Unlike the others , Simplenote 's free service comes with ads. A premium version without ads and extra features like synching with Dropbox , the online storage service , is $ 20 annually .

  30. 广告发布是另一个功能,其中用户可以免费发布分类广告。

    Ad-posting is another feature where users can post free classified advertisements .