
  1. 60岁以上的妇女可得到非高峰时间的免费公交乘车证。

    Women of sixty and up get a free bus bass for off-beak journeys .

  2. 在新推出的平面产品中,确实吹着一股偏向小型版式的风&免费公交工具报纸、少年报纸、面。

    There is an undoubted trend toward more compact formats in the launch of new print products & free commuter newspapers , young adult newspapers , supplements , and sections .

  3. 因此,本文基于公交线路分级思想,提出了一种分级公交线网与地下互通式免费公交换乘枢纽相结合的公交线网及枢纽规划设置新方法。

    So based on planning idea of bus routes graded , a new planning method of bus network graded and mutual connect underground and free bus transfer junction stations is researched .

  4. 所有奥运会注册人员将享受免费城市公交服务。

    Register of members of board of governors All the accredited people will be able to travel free of charge on the Beijing public transport system .

  5. 在亚运会开幕前夕,广州市宣布取消免费乘坐公交的优惠政策,每个户籍家庭将领到150元的现金交通补贴。

    Each household with permanent residence registration in Guangzhou will be offered 150 yuan in cash subsidies for commuting purposes after local authorities scrapped a move to make public transport free ahead of the upcoming Asian Games .

  6. 亲王夫妇此行是来庆祝伦敦地铁150周年纪念日的。虽然两人都已年过60,有资格免费乘坐公交,但为了使感受更加真切,他们携带了牡蛎卡,而且往每张卡里各充值了10英镑(此次行程票价为2.1英镑)。

    The couple were marking the 150th anniversary of the capital 's transport network and to add authenticity to their experience were equipped with Oyster cards pre-loaded with £ 10 each for the £ 2.10 journey , despite both qualifying for an over-60s Freedom Pass .

  7. 学校为孩子们提供早餐、午餐和周末点心,在学校和旅馆、汽车旅店或者庇护所之间接送孩子,不仅如此,校区还帮助孩子的家长,为他们提供免费的城市公交乘车卡。

    The school district gives their children breakfast , lunch and weekend snacks , and provides transportation between the hotels , motels and shelters . It helps parents too , by offering free city bus passes .

  8. 该卡能让你免费进入75个博物馆和观光点,免费搭乘公交车辆,免费乘坐观光游船,并且还有许多其他的额外好处。

    The card gives you free entry to75 museums and attractions , free travel by public transport , free sightseeing by boat as well as several other bonus offers .