
  1. 志愿服务与青年人力资源的开发&以大学生志愿服务西部计划为例

    Voluntary Service and the Exploitation of Youth Human Resources : Taking GWP as an Example

  2. 2003年6月,团中央、教育部在财政部、人事部等部门的支持下,又组织实施了大学生志愿服务西部计划。

    Even the plan of University Students ' Volunteers to the West . In June 2003 , with the support of the ministry of finance and personnel , the Chinese communist and ministry of education organize this plan .

  3. 大学生志愿服务西部地区计划对于就业行为变化和就业能力开发有重要影响。

    The volunteer service on the Western regions of university students has important affect on such transformation and exploitation .