
  1. 未来的专栏文章会演示如何用ApacheDerby数据库构建数据库应用程序。

    Future column installments will demonstrate how to build database applications using the Apache Derby database .

  2. 这之后的文章会将这一知识应用到C中的SPE编程,以使编程工作更加轻松。

    And later articles will apply this knowledge to SPE programming in C , to make your life just a little bit easier .

  3. 未来的专栏文章会介绍如何在这两种模型下运行Derby,并提供附加的数据库深入介绍。

    Future column installments will show you how to run Derby in both models and provide additional database insights .

  4. 本系列的下一篇文章会进一步讨论这个话题,讨论编写WS-Policy和WS-SecurityPolicy断言时经常遇到的问题。

    The next article in the series takes this topic further , looking at the problems frequently encountered in writing WS-Policy and WS-SecurityPolicy assertions .

  5. 为了提高数据接收的效率,我们用C语言编写了NETFLOW数据的接收程序,这是唯一一个没有在J2EE框架内实现的数据接收模块,文章会详细论述其中的原因和实现方法。

    In order to promote the efficency of NETFLOW data receiving , we write the C language program receiving the NETFLOW data . The program is the only module implemented by none-J2EE framework . This paper expand on the cause and implementation .

  6. 本系列的后续文章会深入介绍向量运算。

    Later articles in this series will deal with vector operations .

  7. 不用急,本系列的下一篇文章会涉及这部分内容。

    Don 't worry , they 're coming in the next article .

  8. 记住单篇文章会不考虑这个选项。

    Remember that this can be overridden for individual articles .

  9. 这篇文章会给你一些关于修剪鳄梨树的提示。

    This article will give you a few tips for pruning avocado trees .

  10. 也许这篇文章会成为你锻炼的动力。

    Maybe this will motivate you to work out .

  11. 如果这些论据组织得更好些,这篇文章会更有说服力。

    The essay would be more convincing if the arguments had been better structured .

  12. 这篇文章会给你一个愿望就是为什么运用同样重要。

    This article will give you an aspiration on why applying is equally important .

  13. 最有可能相关的文章会出现在时间轴上,并标明了发布日期。

    The most relevant articles appear on the timeline , showing when they were published .

  14. 这篇文章会杀了他。

    That story will get him killed .

  15. 认真写的文章会有助于人们对周围世界的一些重要问题产生兴趣。

    Carefully written articles can help people become interested in important questions around the world .

  16. 但是,我希望本系列文章会有助于解决这一问题。

    I hope , however , that this series of articles helps to address the problem .

  17. 这篇文章会让你完全了解肌肉抽筋的情况。

    This article will give you all the information you need to fully understand muscle cramps .

  18. 下面的文章会给您一些建议,你怎样做选择,可以让自己的事业、生活成为什么样子。

    Read on to discover how you can choose what your career and your life can become .

  19. 这篇文章会介绍两种辅助装置,他们可以增强注射机的重现性。

    This article describes two auxiliary devices that could increase the repeatability of an injection moulding machine .

  20. 编辑说我的关于非法堕胎的文章会激怒很多读者。

    The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on illegal abortion .

  21. 先弄清楚一篇文章会有多少人来读对助理编辑很有用。

    Sub-editors often find it useful to start by asking how much people read of any given article .

  22. 建议运用修辞的手法和抒情的表达方式,文章会更生动感人。

    Utilizing the rhetoric technique and lyrical express way , this article will be more vivid and touching .

  23. 为什么一些文章会变成灰色,看上去好像以前看过?

    Why do some of the links to papers appear grayed as if I have already visited them ?

  24. 不过,我还在继续做高跟鞋这个选题,相应的专栏文章会在8月11日发表。

    But I persisted with the heels topic , and that column is due torun on Aug. 11 .

  25. 这只不过是说如果刊物的老板把我的稿酬加倍,我的文章会写得可读一点。

    This is no more than saying that if a publisher doubles my writing fees , my articles would read better .

  26. 点击其中一张预览图,文章会扩大为全屏形式,呈整洁的三列布局。

    Tapping one of the teasers expands it to a full-screen version of the article in a clean , three-column layout .

  27. 涉及的代码有点儿复杂,本系列的下一篇文章会详细解释。

    This is a tricky bit of code , and the next article in this series explains it in more detail .

  28. 该系列的最后一篇文章会将该系列讨论过的共同点、建议、模式和实践总结在一起。

    The concluding article will then tie together the commonalities , recommendations , patterns , and practices discussed throughout the series .

  29. 本篇文章会抛开商家们的流言蜚语,用一种简单易懂的方式来阐述面向服务编程。

    This article describes Service Oriented Architecture in a simple and easy to understand way that is devoid of buzzwords and vendor spin .

  30. 决定你的站点使用哪种字体最好,是一个个人的选择,但是有一些文章会帮助你决定。

    Determining which font will work best on your site is a personal choice , but there are articles that will help you decide .