
wén yán cí
  • learned word
  1. 在词汇手段上,文言词的广泛运用使得行文简洁,语言体现出古典韵味;通过精当的单音节词语选用表达出丰富的含义,构建出简明、含蓄且形象生动的语言风格。

    In vocabulary , the popular use of classical Chinese make the essays concise and classical and monosyllabic words can deliver plenty meanings , which turn into the implicit , concise and lively language style .

  2. 汉语报刊文章语言在词汇上具有自身的特点,具有大量的新词语、文言词、书面语、缩略语等,同时还有很多固定句式和长句子。

    In terms of vocabulary , Chinese newspaper article is characterized by new words , learned words , written words and abbreviations . At the same time , it has features of fixed sentence and long sentence .

  3. 《糊涂世界》的动词中,文言词已经很少,首次出现的白话词也比较少,绝大多数是一致沿用到现在的动词。

    Lastly , classical Chinese verbs are seldom used in " Muddled World " and the first-appeared Vernacular Chinese verbs are also quite few . Most verbs in the novel are still used even in modern Chinese .

  4. 一是汉语报刊词汇教学,汉语报刊具有新词语层出不穷,书面语、文言词及文言句式较多的特点,对不同类的词语,总结其造词法,掌握词语来源。

    First , Chinese newspapers and vocabulary teaching , Chinese language newspapers with a new word after another , the written text , words and more features of classical Chinese sentence summary of its coinage laws on different types of words , to master the words source .