
  1. “你在哪儿?”千载地球呼唤声声。

    A thousand years the Earth cried , 'Where art thou ? '

  2. 保护老地名功在当代,开发老地名惠及千载

    To protect and development the old place names will benefit the contemporary and future generations

  3. 《千载佳句》是迄今所见的最早的唐诗名句选。

    Beautiful Lines Throughout the Ages is the earliest collection of the beautiful lines of Tang poems so far .

  4. 千载悠悠看晋韵&民族交响组曲《华夏之根》元旦音乐会侧记

    Shanxi 's charm steeped in multi-millennial history " The Roots of Chinese Civilization " & a symphony concert celebrates the New Year

  5. 特别是宋代,我国古代花木学历经千载的缓慢发展,终于出现了花木学的第一个高峰。

    Especially in the Song dynasty , the ancient flower and branch came into a peak after about thousand years slowly development .

  6. 绵延千载的家庭养老有一个形成、发展、强化、转变以及现代化的过程。

    The long history of family service for the aged has a process of forming , developing , strengthening , changing , modernizing .

  7. 不过,财政刺激为我们转向可持续的投资提供了一个千载良机&正如韩国、澳大利亚、中国、日本、德国、美国等国在一定程度上所做的一样。

    Yet , the fiscal stimulus presents an opportunity to shift to sustainable investments-as South Korea , China , Mexico and the US are doing to some degree .

  8. 同时,副语言呈现了人物的情绪和心理状态,有效地辅助了语言,使得禅宗语录中的人物形象鲜活生动,千载之下,犹如直面。

    At the same time , paralanguage implied feeling and psychological states in communication , which helps to make language in Zen ′ s collection alive even thousands years later .

  9. 松茂古道是连接川中盆地与西部高原的纽带,一条历时千载的军事要道、商贸通衢和民族文化长廊。

    Matsushige trail links the Sichuan Basin and the western highlands . It is also one lasted a thousand years of military hub , business thoroughfare , and ethnic cultural corridor .

  10. 《西厢记》文辞典雅秀丽,情景交融,名句隽语,美不胜收,千载而下为人传诵,可谓美丽的长篇叙事诗。

    " The West Chamber " diction elegant beauty , scenes , famous paradox , beautiful , golden down from HG Wells , can be described as a beautiful long narrative poems .

  11. 西部大开发是西部地区在新一轮改革开放条件下实现经济腾飞的千载良机。

    Development of the west region , which can make its economy leap forward , is a rare opportunity for the west area during another tum of reform & opening to the outside world .

  12. 这也是为什么他们的作品不曾流于萎靡,而是表现得昂扬而健朗,洋溢出一种悲壮的崇高,以至于千载之下,依旧能够让人击节称叹、向风慕义。

    This is why their works not superficial , but played flagging permeated with a high-spirited and fit , and a solemn and stirring sublime , that is why after 1,000 years , they still can let people longing to evoke the Praising .

  13. 这些措施为农村中小学维吾尔族教师的专业发展带来了千逢难载的好机遇。

    These measures brought thousands of good opportunities to Uygur rural primary and secondary school teachers in their professional development .

  14. 走进心仪的千年松的境界,虔诚地把心智扎进地层,一如松之千载凝思。

    Walking into the state of the thousand-year pine we admire , its intelligence is found to take root in the stratum , like the pine 's thousand-year 's meditation .