
  1. 顺治十二年(1655),西固御所千总并阶州,设州同。

    Shunzhi years ( 1655 ), 1000 total Xigu Gosho and-order state , the state set up the same .

  2. 罗千总由悲转喜,百感交集,仿佛一天之中从地狱回到了天堂。

    Luo was from sadness to the happiness , with mixed feeling , as if from the hell to heaven in one day .

  3. 本文提出的上海港某作业区35千伏总降压变电所改造设计方案,具有结构紧凑、巡视方便、占地面积小等优点。

    The paper proposes a scheme for reforming the354 voltage transformer station in a certain stevedores area at Shanghai Port .

  4. 脐血分离培养间充质干细胞成功率足月组分离培养间充质千细胞总的成功率为8.3%,非足月组为25.0%。

    Isolated and cultured umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells , the success rate of non-full-term group of isolated and cultured mesenchymal stem cells the overall success rate was 8.3 % , full-term group was 25.0 % . 5 .

  5. 千斤拔总黄酮的提取与纯化工艺研究

    The study on the extraction and purification of total flavones from Moghania philippinensis ( Merr . et Rolfe ) Li

  6. 据官方称,四川地处偏僻,地貌崎岖,是中国第三大人口大省,8千7百万总人口的百分之60为平困人口,分布在乡村。

    Isolated and mountainous , Sichuan is China 's third most populous province ; 60 percent of its87 million residents are poor and live in the countryside , authorities say .