
  1. 当千砂层长细比小于1/2或热压应力不大于水分饱和凝聚区的湿压强度时,绝不可能产生鼠尾。

    When the slenderness ratio is less than 1 / 2 or the hot compression stress is not bigger than the wet compression strength of the molding sand , the rat tail should never come into being .

  2. 成百上千公里的长篱笆横越澳大利亚。

    Aloung fence runs for hundreds of kilometers across Australia .

  3. 他们以南吴北齐之誉名贯海内外,是千年流长的中国绘画历史上伟大的艺术家。

    They are sharing the reputation of " South Wu North Qi ", and both are the greatest artist in more than a thousand years of Chinese painting history .