
shàng gǔ yīn
  • archaic Chinese phonology
上古音[shàng gǔ yīn]
  1. 在中古音的构拟和间接的上古音研究方面,方言资料是相当重要的角色。

    Chinese dialectal data played an import role in the reconstruction of Middle Chinese and ( more indirectly ) in the study of Old Chinese .

  2. 文章按照王力先生《同源字典》所定的上古音声韵标准,通过广泛地系联同源词来推求每个词的词源义。

    This paper decides the meanings of these ten phonograms related to paronyms according to the phonetic standards defined by Chinese Cognate Characters Dictionary written by Wang Li .

  3. 上古音构拟要不要用非汉语资料,是由所研究的古音系统的时代和研究目的、性质决定的;

    Whether to use non-Chinese corpus or not when we reconstruct the archaic phonology , it is up to the era of the phonetic system studied , and purpose and nature of the study .

  4. 通过对这些汉语语音的资料进行归纳和分析,可以窥见上古音至唐初发展演进的某些痕迹。教育的兴盛并非一定要等到经济繁荣之后,东汉初与唐初教育的兴盛最可示例。

    These show that some features of the Chinese phonetic development from the Old Chinese to Dynasty of Tang . The rises of education in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty demonstrate that the rises of education do not necessarily occur until economy prospers .

  5. 首先介绍了关于上古韵母、声母的研究以及谐声与上古音断代研究的相关成果,并对谐声进行新的定义。

    Firstly , we recommend the interrelated productions about the primitive rhyme , initial consonant , phonogram and primitive segmental phonology in the paper , and then the partial tone has been defined renewedly .