
  • 网络Shanghai Marriott Hotel HongQiao;Marriott;Marriott Shanghai Hongqiao;Marriott Hotel
  1. 在上海万豪虹桥大酒店品尝着鲜美多汁的意大利式牛排,喝着上好的葡萄酒,当您享受着这些美味的时候,是否会想到这可能是出自某位名人之手?

    When you treat yourself or are treated to steak and wine at the Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao , does it occur to you that the succulent delight could be the work of a celebrity ?

  2. 上海万豪虹桥大酒店健康中心经理代会新及其团队一直努力地把健康中心营造成为一个温馨舒适,浓厚家庭氛围的运动健康会所。

    Dick Dai , the Health Club Manager of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao , has14 years managing experience in health and fitness field , so he knows how to meet the needs of guests .