
  1. 我宁愿在我自己的地盘上见他。

    I 'd rather meet him here on my own home ground .

  2. 终丝脂肪瘤4例,t1加权像上见终丝结节状、线条状脂肪信号。

    In 4 cases with lipoma of filum terminale , on T_1WI filum terminal had nodular or stringed lipoma signal .

  3. 12h组腹水颜色进一步加深,但腹水量无明显增加,胰腺质硬,见大片黑色坏死灶,部分胰腺组织呈囊肿样变,大网膜、肠系膜上见多处钙化灶。

    12h group the color of ascites was further deepen , but the amount no significant increase , pancreatic texture hard , see large black necrotic foci , some showed cystic degeneration of pancreatic tissue , omentum , superior mesenteric see multiple calcification .

  4. 等会员工会议上见,好吗?

    I 'll see you at the staff meeting , okay ?

  5. 我和你法庭上见,你这个卑鄙的无赖!

    I 'll see you in court , you filthy scoundrel !

  6. 他想在明晚的晚会上见她。

    And he wants to meet her tonight at the dance .

  7. 一小时后车上见

    I 'll meet you at the car in an hour .

  8. 那就战场上见吧

    Uh , well I 'll see you on the battlefield !

  9. 今晚派对上见了。

    Chuck : I 'll see you at your party tonight .

  10. 明天上午10点法庭上见。

    I will see you in court tomorrow at10a . m.

  11. 我们一星期后在正式典礼上见。

    We shall seeyou at the official ceremonywithin a week .

  12. 我想要去桥上见我的妈妈和爸爸。

    I want to go to mama and Papa on the bridge .

  13. 我们等不急在返校舞会上见你了。

    We can 't wait to see you at the homecoming dance .

  14. 你到典礼上见记者是很重要的

    the importance of your attending the award ceremony for the press .

  15. 他身上见了点汗,暖和,也轻松了一些。

    By now he was perspiring and felt warmer and more limber .

  16. 肝副裂和肝桥分别在21例和26例肝上见有。

    Accessory fissure of the liver appeared on 21 livers .

  17. 准备直升机,我们在水面上见。

    Prepping the chopper . I 'll see you on the surface .

  18. 半小时后我车上见

    I 'll meet you in my car in half an hour .

  19. 我们回头在桥上见。

    I 'll meet you back at the bridge .

  20. 咱们一会儿码头上见。

    See you at the dock in a moment .

  21. 今晚演奏会上见了

    I 'll see you tonight at the concert .

  22. 好吧珍娜的烤肉派对上见

    Ok . See you at Jenna 's barbecue .

  23. 好极了.场上见

    Great . I 'll see you out there .

  24. 我在电视上见你那么做过

    I 've seen you do it on TV .

  25. 五分钟后船上见。

    I 'll see you on board in 5 .

  26. 丹尼尔的晚会上见

    I 'll see you at Daniel 's party .

  27. 今晚在罗娜的派对上见,好吗?

    I 'm gonna see you tonight at Ronna 's party , right ?

  28. 我并没有要求你们任何人到沙滩上见我。

    I didn 't ask any of you to meet me on this beach .

  29. 咱们球场上见。

    B : See you in the court .

  30. 我不想错过在今天的音乐会上见那个歌手的机会。

    I don 't want to miss seeing that singer at the concert today .