
  • 网络Zhongtian Square;Transit Plaza
  1. 中天广场垂直度控制及施工测量

    Verticality control and construction survey for construction of the Zhong-tain square building project

  2. 中天广场主楼爬模、飞模体系的设计和施工

    Design and construction of the climbing form and deck form for con-struction of the Zhong-tain square project main building

  3. 对简支箱梁预制用外模体系的结构构造措施和实施方法提出设想,阐述设想方案的主要构造特点和作业方式中天广场主楼爬模、飞模体系的设计和施工

    A tentative plan was put forward of the structure and working mode of the outer formwork for prefabrication of box beam . DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE CLIMBING FORM AND DECK FORM FOR CON-STRUCTION OF THE ZHONG-TAIN SQUARE PROJECT MAIN BUILDING