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wàn quán
  • Wanquan;surefire;perfectly sound
万全 [wàn quán]
  • [perfectly sound;surefire] 万无一失;绝对安全

  • 万全之策

万全[wàn quán]
  1. 我为这次面试做好了万全的心理准备,可最后它临时取消了。

    I 'd got myself all psyched up for the interview and then it was called off at the last minute .

  2. 与其他设计师的选择一样,WalkofShameMoscow为万全起见,并没在俄罗斯国内销售。

    Like other designers , Walk of Shame Moscow is taking no chances on the domestic market .

  3. 利用SPOT和ETM+影像进行县级土地利用调查&以河北省万全县为例


  4. 3G网络的上马已近在咫尺,对起步较晚的中国电信来说,更是要在3G市场的准备与导入期就未雨绸缪,做好万全准备。

    Facing the instant application of 3G , China telecom has a later start beforetime , but should prepare thoroughly at the beginning period .

  5. 万全500kV串联补偿设备控制系统

    Control System of 500 kV Series Compensation Equipment in Wanquan Substation

  6. 万全500kV串补设备系统的控制功能及应用

    Control Function and Application of 500 kV Series Compensation Equipment System in Wanquan

  7. 大学并不能为你毕业后的人生做好万全准备。

    College doesn 't always prepare you for life after graduation .

  8. 最后,也可能没有万全的担保。

    In the end , there may be no iron-clad guarantees .

  9. 要知道,从来没有人能够为每一种情况做好万全准备。

    Remember , no one is ever perfectly prepared for every situation .

  10. 张家口市万全煤田煤层地下气化开发条件研究

    A Study on Coal Seam Underground Gasification in Wanquan Coalfield , Zhangjiakou City

  11. 因为她已经为这次面试做好了万全的准备。

    Because she had prepared for the interview thoroughly .

  12. 万全煤田盆地演化与聚煤规律探讨

    Discussion of Wanquan coalfield basin evolution and the law of its coal accumulation

  13. 而另一种知识是隐性知识,不容易看见和表达,它万全是个人知识,难于形式化。

    The other is tacit knowledge which is not easily visible and expressible .

  14. 加工余量是肯定要留的,慎思与谦和,凡事做好万全准备。

    Think carefully and humble , and they do a good job well prepared .

  15. 2003年,万全科技药业有限公司在香港联交所上市。

    In2003 , Venturepharm Laboratories Limited goes to public in Hong Kong Stock Exchange House .

  16. 帮你做好万全准备

    help you prep for the mission .

  17. 一千只澳洲小企鹅已经有万全准备,可以抵御寒冬与油轮漏油的威胁。

    One thousand of Australia 's fairy penguins are ready for winter and oil spills .

  18. 河北万全深井水位震前异常变化初探

    Abnormal Change Related to Earthquake in Water-level of the Deep Well of Wanquan , Hebei

  19. 爬山之前最好有万全的准备,以免发生山难。

    Before climbing it is BEST to be properly prepared , in case of any mishap .

  20. 万全寺银金矿床赋存干中生界侏罗系白旗组。

    Wanquansi silver and gold deposit occurs in the Baiqi formation of Jurassic system , MesozoicEra .

  21. 从经验来看,也没有一个万全的方法来决定哪些语言属于一种品格。

    From experience , there is not one sure-fire way to determine which language a character belongs .

  22. 去年,估计九万二千五百点〇〇〇万全世界没有得到足够的食物。

    Last year , an estimated nine hundred twenty-five million people worldwide did not get enough to eat .

  23. 1998年回国,创办万全科技药业有限公司并任首席执行官。

    In1998 he returned to China and founded Venturepharm Laboratories Limited , serving as the Chief Executive Officer .

  24. 万全井水位阶变序列异常与地震关系初探

    A Study on the Relations Between Sequential Anomalies of Water Level Step Variation in Wanquan Well and Earthquakes

  25. 当时的也有巨大的期望压在我身上,所以现在的情形我并不陌生,对这次挑战我已做好万全准备。

    There was big expectation so it is nothing new for me and I was more than ready for the challenge .

  26. 你不能预测会发生什么,但那时你可以学习如何有效的管理危机,为将来做好万全的准备。

    You can 't anticipate everything that can occur but you can learn effective crisis management to prepare you for the future .

  27. 她确信自己可以做得很好,因为她已经为这次面试做好了万全的准备。

    She was sure that she would do well , because she had prepared for the interview thoroughly GetWord (" thoroughly "); .

  28. 如果我们能清楚了解所发生的事,且生前已做好万全的准备,死亡的那一刻就是个绝佳的开悟时机。

    The moment of death is a tremendous opportunity , if we understand clearly what is happening and have prepared well for it in life .

  29. 唐山大震前水氡异常的时空变化河北万全深井水位震前异常变化初探

    SPATIAL-TEMPORAL VARIATIONS IN THE ANOMALY OF RADON BEFORE TANGSHAN EARTHQUAKE Abnormal Change Related to Earthquake in Water-level of the Deep Well of Wanquan , Hebei

  30. 但如果一个演讲者,无法传递热情,及对选择主题的热爱,即使已万全准备,这演讲一定是无趣的。

    But if a speaker doesn 't project pizzazz and show devotion to her topic , the speech may still fall flat on its well-prepared face .