
shēnɡ huá zuò yònɡ
  • sublimate function
  1. 蒸发(升华)作用对我国大陆型冰川的消融具有重要意义。

    The evaporation ( sublimation ) takes an important role in the ablation on continental type glaciers in China .

  2. 精心而创作的钢琴伴奏作为整部作品中重要的一部分,更是承担着烘托气氛、刻画人物性格、升华意境的作用。

    The piano accompanying part was carefully designed as an inseparable part of the whole work , which helps to set the mood , create the atmosphere , and portray the character of each song .

  3. 在价值定位上,网络新闻编辑需要在新闻报道的基础上发挥组织、升华与解读的作用。

    In value orientation , the network news editors need to play based on the news organization , and interpretation of the role of sublimation .

  4. 灵感思维是设计创新的过程中发挥着重要作用的一种思维方式,既不神秘,也非虚无,它作为一种常见的思维形式是客观存在的,往往起着升华和飞跃的作用。

    It is a very important thinking method in the process of design creation . It is not mysterious , but objectively exists , and often plays an important role in raising the design work into a higher level .

  5. 通过实验,研究了冻干过程中干燥箱内压力和搁板温度对升华速度及升华温度的重要作用。

    Basing on the test results , the influences of chamber pressure and shelf temperature on sublimation rate and sublimation temperature are studied .