
  1. 结果表明,外资比例对技术技能和人际技能的运用有积极作用,LMX和管理层次会影响技能运用的机会。

    The results showed that the proportion of foreign capital had a positive effect on the utilization of technical skills and human skills , and LMX and management level also had a significant effect on the opportunity of skill utilization .

  2. 单个海外投资者在中国国内银行的持股上限为19.9%,而任何一家国内银行中的外资比例总计不得超过24.9%。

    Individual stakes in banks are capped at 19.9 per cent with total foreign ownership in any bank limited to 24.9 per cent .

  3. 外商投资企业到中西部地区再投资项目,外资比例超过25%的,可享受外商投资企业待遇。

    Re-investment projects financed by foreign-funded enterprises in central and western regions with foreign investment exceeding 25 percent enjoy the treatments granted to foreign-funded enterprises .

  4. 这说明了外资比例并不是越高越好,只有适当的外资比例才能增加外资企业的溢出。

    We can learn that the proportion of foreign investment is not the higher the better , only the appropriate scale of the foreign capital can increase foreign capital enterprise overflow .

  5. 登记管理机关在颁发外商投资企业营业执照时加注外资比例低于25%的字样。

    The administrative organ for registration shall also , when issuing the business license of foreign-funded enterprise , indicate on it the words of investments contributed by the foreign party are less than 25 % .

  6. 财政部表示,外资控股比例的上升,使财政部更难证明对英国公司所得外资股息征税的合理性。

    It said the rise in foreign ownership made it harder to justify taxing foreign dividends paid to British companies .

  7. 俄罗斯议员通过了一项法案,将俄罗斯媒体中的外资持股比例上限设定为20%。

    Russion lawmakers have approved a bill that would limit foreign media ownership in the country to less than 20 percent .

  8. 今年第二季度末,葡萄牙和爱尔兰债券的外资持有比例从2009年的85%下滑至65%。

    Foreign holdings of Portuguese and Irish bonds fell to 65 per cent of total debt at the end of the second quarter from 85 per cent in 2009 .

  9. 这家美国投行将在新公司中持有33%的股权,这是外资持股比例上限,其余股份将为第一创业所有。

    The US bank is seeking to own 33 per cent of the newly created company , the maximum foreign investment permitted , with the remainder to be held by First Capital .

  10. 研究结果显示:外资持股比例、入股外国机构比例对银行利润效率存在明显推动作用,但是前者的影响要更为显著。

    The results showed that : the proportion of foreign institutions on bank shares profit plays an obvious role in promoting the efficiency , but the impact of the former is more significant .

  11. 在误差无效率模型中纳入了外资持股比例、入股外国机构比例、不良贷款率、资本充足率、净资产收益率等变量。

    The error incorporated into the model without the efficiency of foreign ownership , the proportion of shares foreign institutions , non-performing loans ratio and capital adequacy ratio , return on net assets and other variables .

  12. 最后,得出了结论和对中国的启示,我国应该提高研发费用,加大教育投入,建设基础设施并加大服务业吸引外资的比例。

    In the final chapter , the thesis made the conclusion and obtains the enlightenment to China . China should raise the expenditure on research , education , and enlarge the proportion of FDI inflow on service industry .

  13. 花旗在未能说服中国放弃对外资控股比例的限制之后,放弃了自己最初的主张。而凯雷不得不把购股比例从85%削减到50%,才能重回谈判桌。

    Citigroup backed down after failing to convince China to waive its foreign share ownership limits , while Carlyle had to cut its stake from 85 per cent to 50 per cent to return to the negotiating table .

  14. 英航与澳航两个集团将必须克服可怕的监管障碍,并采取创新的所有权结构,绕过相关国家对航空公司外资所有权比例的限制,同时确保国际航权不受损害。

    The two groups would have to overcome formidable regulatory hurdles and would have to pioneer an innovative ownership structure to circumvent national rules on the foreign ownership of airlines and to ensure that international traffic rights were not jeopardised .

  15. 该合资公司还将让德国电信获得一个特别通道,来进入这个全球最大的电信市场——在中国电信市场,外国投资者实际上不准提供固话和移动电话服务,而提供增值服务的企业,外资持股比例也被限定为不得超过50%。

    The joint venture also gives Deutsche Telekom unique entry to a telecoms market - the world 's biggest - where foreign investors are effectively barred from offering fixed-line and mobile services , while being limited to 50 per cent stakes in companies providing value-added services .

  16. 入世后3年,再开放上述14个城市,外资股权比例不超过35%:入世后5年,全国开放,外资股权比例不超过49%。

    After join the WTO 3 years , open following 14 cities , the ratio of the foreign capital no more than 35 % , after join the WTO 5 years , open the whole market , the ratio of foreign capital no more than 49 % .

  17. 外资整体持股比例可能会限制在25%以内,与适用于银行业外资持股比例的规定相同。

    Total foreign holdings are likely to be restricted to less than 25 per cent the same cap that applies to foreign investors in the banking sector .

  18. 西方和亚洲跨国企业会员组织CEB的一项调查显示,去年,47%的中国员工说他们更愿意在中资企业工作,而更愿意选择外资企业的员工比例只有24%。

    Last year , 47 % of China 's workers said they preferred to work at a domestic company , compared with 24 % that preferred a foreign firm , according to a survey by CEB , a membership group for Western and Asian multinational companies .

  19. 曾担任高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长的保尔森敦促中国,应允许外资公司控股中国国内投资银行和资产管理公司&目前中国这两类合资公司中的外资比例上限分别为33%和49%。

    Mr Paulson , a former Goldman Sachs chairman , urged China to let foreign companies take majority control of domestic investment banks and asset management companies – where they were currently limited to 33 per cent and 49 per cent stakes respectively in joint ventures .