
  • 网络Forex;Foreign Exchange Margin;fx margin
  1. 您对外汇保证金交易的高杠杆融资有什么感受?

    What is your view about high leverage in Forex trading ?

  2. 过去两年,外汇保证金交易在日本个人投资者中的受欢迎程度明显上升。这种交易允许投资者交易数倍于其保证金的外汇。

    Forex margin trading , which allows investors to trade several times their own funds put down as collateral , has surged in popularity among Japanese individual investors in the past two years .

  3. 针对这一问题,作者希望能通过风险度量来获取投资组合,在稳定收益的前提下降低风险。本课题论述了利用VaR方法解决外汇保证金市场的高风险问题。

    Aiming at this problem , this article endeavor to depress the risk but stabilize the income through the way of risk measurement getting investment combination .

  4. 本文把极值理论(EVT)引入VaR模型中,并使用极值理论的阈值模型(POT)来度量外汇保证金交易的极端风险。

    This paper we put the extreme value theory ( EVT ) into the VaR model , and use the extreme value theory of the threshold model ( POT ) to measure the foreign exchange margin trading of extreme risk .

  5. 构建我国的外汇保证金交易法律制度初探

    Structure Foreign Currency of Our Country Caution Money Business Legal System

  6. 外汇保证金交易涉及高风险,未必适合所有投资者。

    Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors .

  7. 在决定做外汇保证金交易前,你必须认真考虑你的金钱的目的、验水平和风险喜好。

    Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your monetary objectives , level of experience , and risk appetite .

  8. 外汇保证金交易这几年的增长是这个概念的一个转捩点。

    The growth in margin trading of fx has been a watershed idea that has taken hold within the past few years .

  9. 上述针对外汇保证金交易的新规于昨日开始生效,将散户交易者的保证金杠杆比率限制在50倍之内。

    The new rule on margin trading , which came into effect yesterday , limits the amount that retail traders can borrow to 50 times the amount of collateral used .

  10. 外汇保证金交易是一种国际通行的投资方式,在国内尚未开放,但随着中国金融市场改革步伐的推进,开放的时间是迟早的事情。

    Forex margin deal is cosmopolitan investment means , which is not opened in china at present , but it will be first or late under the boosting of our finance market reformation step .

  11. 各分局、外汇管理部对保证金退还工作要高度重视、认真负责。

    The branches and departments shall pay high attention to and earnestly take care of the work of refund of security deposit .

  12. 在第三世界,有两种形式的外汇交易税是人们所特别熟悉的&强制外汇和进口预付保证金。

    Two forms of tax on foreign exchange transactions are especially well known in the third world – compulsory foreign exchange levies and advance import deposits .