
  • 网络cutter relieving
  1. 让刀干涉对齿面粗糙度的影响及解决措施

    The Effect of Tool Interference on Gear Surface Roughness and Solving Measures

  2. 薄壁板高速铣削加工过程中的让刀误差预测

    Milling error prediction of thin-walled parts during high-speed machining

  3. 纸盒结构参数化设计及让刀问题的处理

    Parameterized Design of Carton Structure and the Management of the Escaping of Back Cutter

  4. 基于刀具半径补偿的让刀量补偿

    Relieving Amount Compensation Based on Cutter Radius Compensation

  5. 我是让刀锈在鞘里的最伟大的武士。

    But it 's the greatest samurai who lets his sword rust in its scabbard .

  6. 本文并介绍了车床的机械让刀装置及驱动装置。

    The paper a1So describes the mechanical relieve devices and drive devices of the lathe .

  7. 本实用新型属于对现有的自动让刀机构的改进设计。

    The utility model belongs to an improved design to the existing automatic cutter-drawing machinery .

  8. 介绍了有限元在分析薄壁件铣削加工变形中的应用,并提出一种数控补偿方法来减少让刀误差,从而控制薄壁件的加工精度。

    This paper presents an NC compensation approach to control the machining quality of a thin-walled workpiece .

  9. 这意味着,刀具有系统的重新设计的主要宗旨是让刀的破坏性更小,而并非是让刀具更加有效。

    That suggests a systematic redesign might make most such knives less lethal without making them less effective .

  10. 以镗杆弹性变形消除退刀划痕的让刀机构

    Tool relieving mechanism for eliminating scratching resulted returning boring tool by way of elastic deformation of boring bar

  11. 拖拉机轮毂内孔键槽刨削让刀的分析及刨刀的设计

    Analyses of Concession of Planer Tool in Planing Inner Aperture Keyslot of Tractor Wheel Hub and Design of Planer

  12. 最终构建了以刀具挠度变形为反馈的工件表面让刀误差及切削力柔性预测模型。

    Finally , the prediction model of surface error and cutting force in milling rigidity workpiece , with the tool deflection as system feedback , is achieved .

  13. 但钛合金薄壁件由于刚度低,在加工过程中极易产生让刀、振动等问题,成为制约钛合金薄壁件的加工的瓶颈难题。

    However , cutter back-off and vibration are easily generated due to its Low stiffness , which have become the bottleneck problem of thin-walled titanium alloy parts processing .

  14. 分析了设计外球面车床面临的关键技术问题:液压让刀,系统刚性不足的问题。

    The key technology problems for the design of external ball surface lethe , yielding cut hydraulic pressure to lead and low rigidity of the system , were analyzed .

  15. 该自动让刀机构是机械加工领域的一种较理想的加工工具,特别适用于组合机床的平面铣削。

    The automatic cutter-drawing machinery is an ideal processing tool in the field of the mechanical process and is particularly applicable to the plane milling of the combined machine tool .

  16. 纸盒结构设计中的一些细节问题如压痕线、让刀位等关键概念均集成到了系统中,从而简化了设计过程,节省了设计时间,降低了设计人员的劳动强度。

    Some key details in carton structure have integrated into the carton structure CAD system . These predigest the design processing , save design time and decrease designer 's labor intension .

  17. 目前在机床的设计中自动让刀机构都设在铣头的主轴上从而使铣头复杂。

    The automatic cutter-drawing machinery in the prior design of the machine tool are all arranged on the main shaft of the mill heads , so the mill head is very complex .

  18. 他弓着腰,一手抓着刀柄,一手捏着刀尖,让刀在石头上来回游走,发出“霍霍”的声音。

    He bended over , with one hand grasping the holder and the other hand the tip , he let the knife go up and down on the stone and make the sound of sharpening .

  19. 利用这两种有限元模型可以分别得到加工表面的残余应力分布趋势和切屑的几何形状,也可以预测低刚度结构件的让刀误差。模型的适用范围。

    The distribution trend of residual stress under the machined workpiece surface and the chip geometry formation process are studied by the application of orthogonal and oblique FEM alternately . Using the oblique model , surface error can be forecasted .

  20. 它会让用刀之人受伤而流血。

    It makes the hand bleed that uses it .

  21. 一些墨西哥人让持刀的男子不太高兴,现在该轮到我们这些外国佬了。

    The knife man got angry with some Mexicans , now it was time for us Gringos .

  22. 乔-艾尔是要让你用刀做什么?

    What does Jor-El want you to do with the dagger ?

  23. 你不会让人持刀接近你的。

    You 're not gonna let someone come at you with a knife .

  24. 并且让我的刀吸收你的灵魂。

    And let my blade drink your soul .

  25. 让他拿把刀,我定要看看他的五脏六腑是什么颜色!

    Let him take a knife , and I 'll see the colour of his inside ! '

  26. 首先她让我用刀切开一个南瓜并将内瓤清理干净。

    First she asked me to cut open a pumpkin with a knife and clean out the inside .

  27. 我准备好了。让他拿把刀,我定要看看他的五脏六腑是什么颜色!

    Well , I 'm ready.Let him take a knife , and I 'll see the colour of his inside !

  28. 梅奥说,过了不久她以为自己听到韦伯在叫她,让自己把刀带给他。

    A short while later Mayo says she thought she heard Webb call out to her , asking her to bring him his knife .

  29. “天刚亮就打了匹狼,”第二天傍晚,杰克削土豆的时候埃尼斯对他说。他用热水泼着脸,又往脸上抹肥皂,好让他的刮胡刀更好使。

    " Shot a coyote just first light ," he told Jack the next evening , sloshing his face with hot water , lathering up soap and hoping his razor had some cut left in it , while Jack peeled potatoes .

  30. 冷得如此彻底,让人有给刀割得痛的感觉。

    The weather is thorough cold , which make me feel pain just as cut by the knife .