
tōnɡ yònɡ fēi jī
  • utility aircraft
  1. 通用飞机的发展及军用改型研究

    The Study of General Aircraft Development and Military Derivate

  2. 铝合金氧化膜种类和在通用飞机设计中的应用

    Chemical Oxidation and Anodizing of Aluminum Alloy and Application in General Aircraft Manufacture

  3. 通用飞机类公司将可能求购直升飞机!

    China be current plane company will buy helis !

  4. 通用飞机耐撞性仿真分析与抗坠毁设计技术是飞机设计的重要内容。

    Aircraft crashworthiness design and crash simulation is an important parts of aircraft design .

  5. 小型通用飞机试飞特点分析

    Flight Test of Small General Aircraft

  6. 目前,中国部分地区已实施了1000米以下空域向通用飞机开放的试点项目。

    Pilot projects have been launched in parts of the country where airspace below 1000 meters is open to general aviation flights .

  7. 先后研制生产了8大系列30多种机型的1400多架货运飞机、旅客机和通用飞机。

    Up to now , more than 1,400 cargo aircraft , passenger planes and multi-purpose aircraft of 30 types in eight series have been developed and manufactured .

  8. 这对中国来说是一大步,几乎肯定意味着中国最终将成为全球第二大的通用飞机(如直升机和螺旋桨飞机)市场,仅次于美国。

    This is a huge step for China and almost certainly means the country will eventually become the second-largest market in the world for general aviation aircraft like helicopters and turboprop aircraft [ after the United States ] .

  9. 一种通用航空飞机半主动起落架控制的试验。

    Test of Semiactive Landing Gear Control For a General Aviation Aircraft .

  10. 通用航空飞机的三翼面布局研究

    A Study of the Three-Surface Aircraft Configuration in General Aviation

  11. 通用航空飞机的安全对通用航空业的发展具有十分重要的意义。

    The safety of general aviation aircrafts is of great importance to the development of general aviation .

  12. 一哄而起的俄罗斯通用航空飞机

    Russian General Aviation Aircraft

  13. 文章以一个通用航空飞机的机翼为算例,验证了这种二级优化方法的可行性和有效性。

    The aerodynamic optimization of the wings of a general aviation aircraft was used to verify the approach .

  14. 民用航空专家称,至2020年,中国通用航空飞机的需求量将达到12000架。

    Civil aviation authorities say the country could need up to 12000 general aviation aircrafts by the year 2020 .

  15. 本文论述了通用数字式飞机燃油油量系统的测量和设计思想。

    The principle of measurement and idea of design of the universal digital measuring system of airplane fuel quantity is described .

  16. 本文详细讨论了通用型飞机纵向重心自动调节系统的软、硬件设计的过程和方法。

    This text discusses the designing process and methods of the software and hardware of the airplane lengthways barycentre automated regulating system which is in a type of general using airplanes in detail .

  17. 融资租赁是国内航空公司通用的飞机采购方式,这种具有中国特色的飞机融资方式,在二十世纪末我国基础建设资金短缺的背景下成为国内航空公司飞机引进的主要融资方式。

    Finance lease is a common domestic airlines aircraft procurement and the introduction of the major domestic airlines aircraft financing with Chinese characteristics in the context of the end of the twentieth century .

  18. 介绍了气压高度测量的技术方案,指出了影响通用航空飞机气压高度测量精度的主要误差来源:压力传感器输出误差和气压高度原理误差。

    The technique method to measure the barometric altitude is introduced . The main error sources , the output error of pressure sensor and the theory error of barometric altitude , affect the measurement precision of barometric altitude in general aviation aircrafts are indicated .

  19. 博营直升飞机、通用和商用飞机配件。

    Specializing in helicopter , general and commercial aircraft parts .

  20. 除建立合资企业外,通用还通过飞机和集装箱租赁向中国投入十亿多美元。

    Apart from setting up joint venture enterprises , GE also invested more than 1 billion US dollars in China by means of airplane and container leasing .

  21. 通用航空包括农用飞机,公司专机,单发动机教练机,以及运输机等飞行物。

    General aviation covers crop dusters , corporate jets , single-engine training aircraft and cargo aircraft , among other things .

  22. 介绍了一种通用于各种类型飞机的油路智能化全自动清洗测控系统的设计原理及实现方案,该系统采用康拓STD5000系列工控机作主控器,能实现全自动高精度检测及控制。

    The design theory and the achievable project of the intelligent full automatic measuring and controlling system for all kinds of airplanes were introduced , this system adopts STD 5000 series industry computer for the main controller , which can realize full automatic and high precise examination and control .

  23. 通用航空飞行保障系统能够保障通用飞机安全飞行、顺利完成作业任务,更好的促进通用航空的快速发展。

    The general aviation flight securing system will ensure safety of airplane 's flight as to fulfill tasks , promoting the rapid development of aviation .