
  • 网络airport run;Airport Operation;AODB
  1. 谈谈机场运行的减噪声程序

    Noise - Reduction Procedure in Airport Operation

  2. 本文通过对民航业现状及发展趋势进行分析、对国内外机场运行指挥平台设施设备配置进行研究,逐步深入分析昆明机场的运行指挥体系。

    Based on the analysis of current situation and development trend of the aviation industry , the thesis made a research of facilities and equipment in domestic and international airport operation command platform , gradually in-depth analyzed the operation command system of Kunming Airport .

  3. 采用DEA对中国民用机场运行的相对有效性进行了评价。

    The paper presents a DEA approach to evaluate the efficiency of Chinese commercial airports .

  4. 在国际上虽然少数人用DEA对民用机场运行做了评价,但因其采用的机场投入与产出指标不合适,使评价结果的准确性受到限制。

    Though a few people have evaluated airport operations by using the DEA method abroad , the accuracy of their evaluation results are limited because the airport input and output indexes they use are not suitable .

  5. 滑行道系统命名对机场运行安全和效益的影响

    Impact of Taxiway Names on Airport Operating Safety and Profit

  6. 为了确保高原机场运行安全,中国民航局正大力推进民航新技术的应用。

    New aviation technology have been vigorously promoted by CAAC , to make sure the safe operation at high elevation airports .

  7. 本文还分析了目视飞行程序在绵阳机场运行的标准和实施的条件等,并做了综合的阐述。

    The article also analyzes the operation of visual flight procedures in Mianyang airport and implementation standard , and makes a comprehensive elaboration .

  8. 基于以上分析和说明,笔者判断出昆明机场运行指挥体系管理与机场整体战略基本相适应,但也存在着问题和不足,并针对这些问题和不足提出了解决的对策与建议。

    Based on the above analysis and description , the author made a conclusion that the management of the operation command system is basically suitable for the overall strategy of Kunming Airport .

  9. 为了保证机场运行的安全性,提高机场运行效率,机场场面监视技术的应用和研究得到了广泛的重视。

    To ensure the safety of airport operations and improve the efficiency of airport operations , the research and applications of the airport surface surveillance technology are got extensive development and attention .

  10. 根据长沙机场运行的特点,尝试了利用事故树方法识别机场运行中存在的实际风险并判定风险可能导致事件的发生概率。

    According to the operational features of Huanghua International Airport , the way about failure tree is attempted to distinguish practical risk and to judge the incidence probability that risk maybe bring about .

  11. 在此基础之上,结合航空公司特殊高原机场运行特殊要求及运行统计资料,采用专家调查法确定影响特殊高原机场航线签派放行的重要因子。

    On this basis , with the operation specific requirements of special plateau airport operating and the operation statistics , the important factors affecting the special plateau airport route dispatch were determined by the experts investigation .

  12. 其评价结果对改善机场的运行业绩具有参考价值。

    The results of evaluation this way are helpful for improving airport 's operations .

  13. 北京大型海星形机场开始运行

    Massive Starfish Airport Opens in Beijing

  14. 机场跑道运行仿真

    Simulation of Airport Runway Operation

  15. 本设计已在攀枝花保安营机场试运行,由于信号的采集没有破坏原有导航系统,所以在安全性方面得以保证。

    Because the signal acquisition does not destroy the existing navigation system , the security can be ensured .

  16. 在深入了解民航机场安全运行情况的基础上,建立了民航机场动态分级预警指标体系。

    Based on the in-depth understanding of the airport operation , the index system of the dynamic classification early warning for civil aviation airport was established .

  17. 认为影响到达时间间隔的因素大部分是随机变量,因此必须采用概率论的方法建立机场跑道运行容量模型。

    It is believed that most of parameters influencing the interarrival time of landing are random variables , so the setting up of a runway landing capacity model must be based on probability theory .

  18. 神经网络通过对已有民航机场安全运行状况的学习,可获得隐含其中的人的经验、知识及对各种因素重要性的看法等直觉思维。

    The implicative experience and knowledge of mankind , and the intuition thought of the viewpoint of the importance of each factor etc. can be achieved through learning from the situation of civil aviation airport operation .

  19. 恶劣天气过后机场又重新运行了。

    The airport is operative again after the bad weather .

  20. 十年发展铸辉煌深化改革谱新篇&广州白云国际机场实现安全运行十周年

    10th Anniversary of Safe Operation of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

  21. 本系统已于1995年8月在北京首都国际机场正式投入运行。

    The system has been used in Beijing Capital International airport in the 8 . 1995 .

  22. 戴夫在机场规划和运行,机场发展和机场支持设施等领域有着广泛的经验。

    Dave has extensive experience in airport planning and operations , airport development and aircraft support facilities .

  23. 航班延误统计工作是衡量空管、航空公司和机场等航班运行保障部门工作质量的重要标志之一。

    The work of flight delays statistics is used to measure the quality of airlines and related departments .

  24. 目前,首都机场超负荷运行,改造工程将使其提高旅客和货物接纳能力,以迎接2008年奥运会。

    The airport is currently working over capacity and the reconstruction project will equip it to deal with the influx of passengers and cargo expected during the2008 Olympic Games .

  25. 对机场规划与运行中的关键问题进行分析研究,可以为机场规划者和管理者提供决策支持,从而提高机场规划设计及运营管理水平。

    Research on key issues of airport planning and operation analysis can provide airport planners and managers with decision support , thereby enhancing the airport planning and operational management level .

  26. 中国北方冬季常有大雪冰冻现象,为消除冰雪保持机场的正常运行,需喷洒大量机场道面除冰液。

    North China in winter often witnesses heavy snow and freezing . In order to clear up freeze and storm and keep the airfield running in gear , large amount of airfield pavement deicer ( CMA ) was sprayed .

  27. 首都机场双跑道独立运行的设想与研究

    Research on Independent Parallel Operation of Instrument Runways in Beijing Capital Airport

  28. 目前,海拉尔机场已开始试运行此项业务。

    At present , the Hailar Airport has begun trial operation of the business .

  29. 对系统进行了成功的开发应用和实施,并且推广了到空军各个机场,对系统运行的成效进行了分析。

    The system develops a successful application and implementation , also helps the Air Force in various airports , the effectiveness of the system is running on analysis .

  30. 机场行李系统对于整个机场系统的正常运行具有重要的作用。

    Application of PLC in baggage handling system for Shanghai Pudong Airport ;