
  1. 固定式导管架平台的H2振动控制技术研究

    Studies on H_2 Vibration Control Strategy for Offshore Jacket Platforms

  2. VVVF电梯振动控制技术的研究

    Study on the VVVF Elevator Vibration Control Technology

  3. 因此TMD是一种同样适用于独桩平台地震反应控制的结构振动控制技术。

    Therefore , the TMD is also fit for the seismic response control of the single-pile platform .

  4. 海洋平台振动控制技术研究包括调谐液体阻尼器(TLD)减振研究和磁流变阻尼器(MRD)减振研究。

    Research on structural vibration control contains vibration mitigation using tuned liquid damper and MR damper , respectively .

  5. 分析结果显示,TMD对独桩平台波浪反应有着十分显著的控制效果,因此,TMD是一种非常适合于独桩平台波浪反应控制的结构振动控制技术。

    The analysis result indicates that the TMD has a very distinct control effect on the wave response of the single pile platform , so , the TMD is very fit for the wave response control of the single pile platform .

  6. 具体研究内容如下:1.在了解已有结构振动控制技术基础上,借鉴TMD及MTMD的优点,提出一种新型的减振装置&自适应变频TMD控制装置。

    Specific studies are as follows : 1 . Based on the research of Structural vibration control technology before , the concept of " Self-adapting Variable - Frequency TMD " is suggested drawing on the advantages of TMD and MTMD .

  7. 将结构振动控制技术引入本科生的教学实践

    Teaching Practice on Introduction Structural Vibration Techniques into Undergraduate Education

  8. 舷侧阵声纳安装平台隔振系统振动控制技术研究

    Study on Vibration Control Techniques for Platform Mounted Sonar in Flank Array

  9. 特大断面小净距隧道爆破振动控制技术

    Blasting Vibration Control Technology for Closely-spaced Tunnels with Super-large Cross-sections

  10. 车用发动机振动控制技术的研究现状及发展方向

    Present Situation and Development Trend of Vibration Control Techniques for Vehicle Engines

  11. 作者介绍了开路振动控制技术。

    The author describes the techniques of open-loop vibrational control .

  12. 独特的微机正弦扫频振动控制技术

    A Distinctive Minicomputer Control Technology on Sine Frequency-sweep Vibration

  13. 高速转子系统振动控制技术评述

    Review on vibration control technology of high-speed rotor system

  14. 多轴随机激励振动控制技术研究

    Research on Multi-axes Vibration Control Technology with Random Exciting

  15. 因此很有必要对桥梁振动控制技术进行深入的研究。

    So it is important to study the vibration controlling technology of bridge .

  16. 连铸机结晶器电液伺服振动控制技术及设备

    The Technique of Continuous Casting Mould Electro-hydraulic Servo Oscillation Control and Its Equipment Study

  17. 航天结构主、被动一体化振动控制技术的研究现状和进展

    Present Work and Developments of Integrated Passive and Active Vibration Control of Aerospace Structures

  18. 船舶传动系统结构振动控制技术研究

    Research on Vibration Control of Ship Drive System

  19. 新一代的噪音和振动控制技术

    New Technology to Control Noise and Vibration

  20. 智能材料的开发推动了近海结构振动控制技术的进步。

    The development of intelligent materials urges the progress in the control vibration of offshore structure .

  21. 桩-土-结构相互作用和结构振动控制技术是当前抗震研究中的热点问题。

    Pile-soil-structure interaction and structural vibration control technology is the current hot issues in seismic research .

  22. 压电材料以其突出的特点成为结构振动控制技术研究的一个热点。

    Piezoelectric materials became a new center of vibration control research , for its outstanding feature .

  23. 主要从事噪声和振动控制技术的研究及其工程设计工作。

    The research that basically pursues noise and oscillatory control technology and its engineering design work .

  24. 开展微振动控制技术的研究,对高技术产业的发展以及国防建设都具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    Conducting the research on the technique of micro-vibration control is valuable for theoretical sake and practical application .

  25. 实践表明:爆破振动控制技术保证了小净距段先行洞的安全和后行洞施工的顺利进行。

    Result showed that the structure safety of existing tunnel and the construction of following tunnel were assured .

  26. 基于此,本课题提出了基于最佳预紧力电主轴振动控制技术。

    As a result of this , vibration control of high speed motor spindle based on optimum preload is presented in this paper .

  27. 航天器挠性结构的主动振动控制技术是大型航天器姿态控制系统设计的关键技术。

    Active vibration control technique is the key technology of designing of attitude control system for large flexible spacecraft to fulfill mission requirements .

  28. 近年来,基于压电材料的柔性结构振动控制技术已成为振动控制领域研究的热点。

    Recently , the research of vibration control using piezoelectric materials on flexible structures has been one hotspots in the field of vibration control .

  29. 本文在对各种振动控制技术进行分析的基础上,最终选定了简单可靠、经济性好的被动隔振技术。

    On the base of comparing various vibration control techniques , passive vibration isolation is chosen because of its simplicity , reliability and economical efficiency .

  30. 目前,振动控制技术在土木工程中的运用正在蓬勃发展,许多新型控制体系和控制装置出现。

    Recently , with the development of technical vibration control technical using on the civil engineering , many new control systems and control devices have came into service .