
  1. 最后探讨了NN通信段薪酬制度方案优化实施保障措施,即提高绩效考核的严肃性与公信力及实效性、完善奖金内部分配机制、努力改善职工环境等。

    Finally , we discuss the NN Railway Administration Communications segment pay system program to optimize the implementation of safeguard measures , and improve the performance appraisal of the seriousness and credibility and effectiveness , and improve the bonus internal distribution mechanism , and efforts to improve trade union environment .

  2. 铁通成立后,原铁路通信段成为了中国铁通分公司,经营公众电信业务,成为中国第五家基础电信运营商。

    After its ' beginning of serving the public with telecommunications , CTT becomes one of the China 's five major telecom carriers .

  3. 通信段:共享内存通信区,也被称为消息区,被作为客户机和服务器进程的一种通信机制。

    Communications segment : The shared memory communications portion , also known as the message portion , is used as a communication mechanism by the client and server processes .

  4. 基于BP算法的微波通信中继段性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Microwave Hop Based on BP Algorithm

  5. 跳频通信宽频段频率合成器的分析与实现

    Analysis and realization of wide-band frequency synthesizer in hopping communications

  6. 光传输系统中跨洋复用段保护的实现光纤通信复用段适配专用集成电路的设计

    Application of Transoceanic Multiplex Section Protection in Optical Transmission System The ASIC Design to Implement MSA Function in SDH

  7. TCP/IP网络通信中TCP段大小的优化设计

    The Optimal TCP Segment Design in TCP / IP Communication

  8. 对于用于与本地应用程序通信的内存段,名称为:LCL

    LCL-for memory segment used to communicate with local applications

  9. 在当前存在的大量非结构化MPI程序中,许多基于点对点通信原语的代码段可以替换为相应的结构化集合通信原语。

    In current abundant nonstructural MPI programs , many segments of codes based on point-to-point primitives can be replaced by the corresponding structural collective primitives .

  10. 通常,低轨卫星通信系统由空间段、用户段和地面段构成。

    Commonly , LEO system is consisted of space segment 、 user segment and ground segment .