
  1. 30年前,我在铁路大修段当线路工,亲身经历了铁路清道夫艰苦的生活和他们与命运的不懈抗争。

    I worked in the railway 30 years ago , and witnessed railway workers ' hard lives and their perseverance under pressure and difficulty .

  2. 介绍了包钢1转炉大修更换Ⅰ段、Ⅱ段烟罩的方案简介及主要工具选用。

    This paper introduces the program about replacement of the first and second flues of No. 1 converter and selection of main tools in heavy repair .

  3. 在广西G324线岑溪至容县一级公路路面大修工程(梧州段)中,对其水泥稳定碎石基层采用的是就地冷再生的施工技术和方法。

    The cold in-place recycling construction technology of cement stabilized macadam base is applied in a pavement overhaul engineering of Cenxi-Rongxian arterial road Wuzhou section of G324 in Guangxi .

  4. 根据东北输油管道大修历程,总结出了防腐层大修段的选择、管道表面清理、管道补强及管道安全运行的经验和方法。

    Based on the rehabilitation of pipeline coatings , the paper summarizes the methods about the selection of rehabilitation , cleaning of pipe surface , and repair of pipe .