
  • 网络Popular;Popular Bookstore;Popular Book;Popular Book Company
  1. 本次活动由大众书局(PopularBookmall)举办。该企业在中国有八家书店。

    It 's run by Popular Bookmall , which operates eight bookstores in China .

  2. 2014年9月,大众书局曾在地面上陈列1000本书和看书用台灯,鼓励人们与书籍“来一场约会”。

    In September last year , the company laid out 1000 books and reading lamps on the ground and encouraged people " to go on a date " with a book .

  3. 会员凭有效会员卡于大众书局购买图书、文具精品、影音产品可享会员购物折扣及赚取积分(只适用于香港分店)。付款前须出示有效之会员卡。

    Popular members enjoy purchase discount earn bonus points upon purchase of books , stationery gifts , and CD items by presenting valid membership card at the branches of Popular , HK .