
  • 网络Communications authorities
  1. 凡开立了综合报税表档案的个别人士,均可以电子方式把新通讯地址通知本局。

    Individuals having composite tax return files may notify the Department of their new postal address electronically .

  2. 莫斯科(路透社)——俄罗斯联邦航天局正考虑建造自己的空间站,俄罗斯通讯社援引该局局长的话说,这表明国际紧张局势正在影响空间合作。这样的一个新项目将与国际空间站进行竞争。

    MOSCOW ( Reuters ) - Russian state space agency Roscosmos is considering building its own space station , RIA news agency quoted its chief as saying on Monday , underlining how international tensions are affecting space cooperation .