
  • 网络College of Communication
  1. 然后在重庆大学通信学院电子专业78名大三的学生中进行了为期15周的实验。

    Seventy-eight juniors , whose major was electronics , participated in the experiment .

  2. 西安通信学院概率论课件,讲的很清晰,课件很全,不错的资料。

    Courseware probability Xi an Communication Institute , said very clearly , courseware is very wide , good information .

  3. S通信学院还成立了研发团队,为多个手机软件公司提供外包业务。

    S Communication Institute has also set up R & D team , as many mobile phone software companies provide outsourcing services .

  4. S通信学院是一家IT培训院校,成立于2004年,其主营业务是培训手机应用方向软件人才。

    S Communication Institute is a IT training institutions established in 2004 , its main business is the direction of mobile application software talents training .

  5. 本文的课题来自通信学院140教研室的预研课题&IP电话系统信号处理关键技术研究。

    This work is supported by the pre-research project being conducted in 140 lab : " Researches on Key Signal Processing Technologies in IP Telephone Systems " .

  6. 文章以长沙通信学院校园局域网为例,介绍校园网用户是如何通过网络交换设备实现相互通信的工作过程。

    Taking the LAN of Changsha Telecommunications and Technology Vocational College as the example , this paper introduces how the campus users achieve their communication by using the network exchange equipment .

  7. 本文的主要目的是探索和建立能指导S通信学院未来五年发展的战略规划,给S通信学院高层制定战略提供了有价值的参考。

    The main purpose of this paper is to explore and establish S Communication Institute can guide strategic planning for the next five years , to develop strategies to high-level S Communication Institute provides a valuable reference .

  8. 这些分析结果表明:S通信学院没有特别突出的优势,劣势明显,内部问题多,其所处外部环境机会多,威胁不大,有利其快速发展壮大。

    These results show that : S is not particularly prominent Communication Institute , strengths , weaknesses obvious , many internal problems , and its external environment in which opportunities , not threats , enabling the rapid development and growth .

  9. 北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院兼职博导。

    D adviser for School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering , Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications ( BUPT ) .

  10. 本文在中国移动通信管理学院门户网站改造及集团级课程库建设项目的成功实施之后,详细介绍并总结了管院门户网站刊物模块的设计流程及开发经验。

    This paper is based on the project named " China mobile communications management institute web portal transformation and group level course library construction " .

  11. 中国移动通信管理学院(以下简称管院)是中国移动通信集团公司直属的教学培训机构,其原有门户网站采用两层模式,存在权责分工不明确、数据封装性差、更新维护困难等问题。

    China mobile communications management institute hereinafter referred to as " management institute " is the training institution directly under China mobile communications group company . Its original web portal used two layers mode , which is not clear in division of responsibilities and is bad for data encapsulation .

  12. 江南大学通信与控制工程学院

    School of Communication and Control Engineering