
  • 网络Pringles
  1. 随后是Folgers咖啡交易,现在是品客薯片(Pringles)。

    Then came the Folgers deal , and now Pringles .

  2. 上一次还是在2012年,宝洁以27亿美元的价格将品客薯片(Pringles)出售给凯洛格公司(Kellogg);2011年,公司曾先后剥离了激爽(Zest)肥皂和PUR净水产品。

    It notably sold off Pringles for about $ 2.7 billion in 2012 to Kellogg , and in 2011 divested Zest soap and PUR Water Purification Products in separate transactions .

  3. 这些品牌包括像Pringles(品客),Monopoly(韩国的创意文具及包袋品牌),DreamWorks(梦工厂),Schwarzkopf(施华蔻),和Bic(比克)这样的公司。

    Their logos include companies like Pringles , Monopoly , DreamWorks , Schwarzkopf , and Bic .

  4. 即便是在这个有鱼丸口味品客薯片(Pringles)和红豆口味百事可乐(Pepsi)的国家,真金的糖果也显得有些极端。不过奇巧在日本饮食文化中拥有一种特殊地位。

    Even for a country where shoppers can find fish-ball-flavored Pringles and adzuki bean-flavored Pepsi , actual gold candy seems extreme , but the Kit Kat holds a special place in Japan 's culinary universe .

  5. 所以罗恩·科丹(LorenCordain)和罗布·伍尔夫(RobbWolf)等旧石器饮食运动的倡导者鼓吹“野性”的饮食,它主要依照我们旧石器时代的祖先而设计——他们需要四处觅食,还有没学会种植庄稼和食用谷物,更别说吃品客薯片了。

    That is why leaders of the movement like Loren Cordain and Robb Wolf advocate a " wild " diet that falls roughly in line with that of those Paleolithic forager ancestors who had not yet learned to cultivate and eat grain , much less pry the lid off a Pringles can .

  6. 将空品客薯片包放在天线的前面。

    Place the hollowed out Pringles in front of the antenna .

  7. 就像我说的,和品客薯片很像。

    As I say , a lot like Pringles .

  8. 我们有嗯小熊软糖巧克力豆品客薯片

    We have , um ... gummy bears , chocolate chips , Pringles .

  9. 另一个非常著名的方式你的无线信号辐射是使用简单的品客薯片包。

    Another very well-known way to radiate your wireless signal is to use the humble Pringles packet .

  10. 宝洁公司拥有最大最强最值得信赖的品牌,包括帮宝适、汰渍、潘婷、品客、佳洁士和玉兰油等等。

    The P & G has one of the largest and strongest trusted brands , including Pampers , Tide , Pantene , Pringles , Crest and Olay , and so on .

  11. 这些品牌包括象汰渍,碧浪,佳洁士,飘柔,海飞丝,潘婷,沙宣,舒肤佳,护舒宝,品客,帮宝适和玉兰油等。

    These brands include Tide , Ariel , Crest , Rejoice , Head & Shoulders , Pantene Pro-V , Vidal Sassoon , Safeguard , Whisper , Pringles , Pampers and Oil of Olay .