
  • 网络french fry
  1. 当像Aisha,Bori及Kougra这样的尼奥宠物肚子饿的时候,它们会狼吞虎咽般的吃麦当劳法式薯条。

    When Neopets such as Aisha and Bori and Kougra get hungry , they gobble down McDonald 's French fries .

  2. 在法式薯条上淋上干酪凝块,然后浇上少量肉汁。

    French fries are topped with cheese curd , then drizzled in light gravy .

  3. 我们都已体验过消化像法式薯条和洋葱圈之类的食物需要多长时间。

    We 've all experienced how long it takes to digest foods like French fries or onion rings .

  4. 不过菜单倒没什么歧视,既有法式薯条也有可口可乐。

    The menu doesn 't discriminate , though , with both French fries and Coca Cola on offer .

  5. 在这个各种各样的民族小吃和法式薯条以及墨西哥烤干酪辣味玉米片这些经典的食物共同存在的年代里,我们是不是应该在坐在餐馆里准备开吃前去洗下手呢?

    With the wide variety of ethnic finger foods available today , along with classics such as french fries and nachos , should more of us be washing our hands before sitting down to eat at restaurants ?

  6. 研究显示,法式炸薯条危害很大,缘于其中过多的添加物。

    French fries in particular were dangerous because of the extra ingredients added .

  7. 加上法式炸薯条,多么美味的汉堡包。

    So deli-cious with hot French fries .

  8. 明天的报纸头条这样写怎样:“法式炸薯条”!

    How about this for a headline for tomorrow 's paper ?' French Fries ' !

  9. 我想要法式炸薯条,一个汉堡包和一瓶汽水。

    I 'd like some French fries , a hamburger and a bottle of pop , please .

  10. 而意大利番茄酱、哈姆咖热格食或者我最喜欢的法式炸薯条呢?

    But what about all those Italian tomato sauces , humgarengurush or my favorite , French fries ? Those yummy fried potatoes .

  11. 咱们在澳大利亚海滨吃足球大小的蛤蚌,有一次还去麦当劳服法式炸薯条。

    We ate clams the size of footballs on a beach in Australia , and one time we went to McDonald 's for french fries .

  12. 周三一项研究显示:在纽约麦当劳出售的鸡块和法式炸薯条比欧洲出售的同类产品更不健康。

    The chicken nuggets and French fries sold at a mcdonald 's in New York City may be more unhealthy than those sold in europe , a study showed on wednesday .