
  • 网络First-class discipline;Top Disciplines
  1. 切实抓好环境工程博士点建设积极创建一流学科群

    On the construction of doctoral programs and first-class group of subjects

  2. 博士后站已经构建在所有的三个一流学科对中医学院。

    Postdoctoral stations have been sep up in all of the3 first-class subjects of TCM in the Academy .

  3. 发挥中医药院校核心竞争力打造一流学科专业

    Bringing into play core competitive power of colleges and universities of TCM , building up first-rate disciplines and subjects

  4. 华东师范大学全校师生正豪情满怀地朝着“拥有若干一流学科、多学科协调发展、引领中国教师教育发展的世界知名的高水平大学”的中长期发展目标奋进

    Today , teachers and students are striving to build ECNU into world-renowned first-rate university with several first-rate disciplines and the harmonious development of multi-disciplines , leading in the development of China 's education of teachers

  5. 作为国家学科建设制度设计的结果,在国家重点学科建设制度的作用下,我国已经有一批学科和大学进入了世界一流学科、一流大学的行列。

    As a result of the national design discipline construction system , in the national key disciplines construction system under the action of our country , China has a number of disciplines and universities ranking on the list of world first-class disciplines and universities .

  6. 理念与模式&关于世界一流大学学科建设的解读

    Vision and Mode & An Interpretation of Disciplinary Development of World-class Universities

  7. 高校在谋划发展,规划未来的进程中争创一流,学科建设是核心,师资队伍是关键。

    To strive for the best in planning the development of higher education , the core lies in the discipline building , and the key in teaching staff .

  8. 先以课程群分类列表的方式介绍了北美美国和加拿大11所著名大学、国内11所具有一流计算机学科的大学的硕士研究生课程设置情况。

    The computing curricula for graduate students of eleven North American universities ( including the top-ten in U.S.A. and one in Canada ) and ten universities in China are presented in groups .

  9. 展望未来,河海人将在新世纪实现新的跨越,为把河海大学建成具有国际一流水利学科与若干优势学科、多学科综合发展、具有广泛国际影响的高水平研究型大学而努力奋斗。

    Looking ahead , Hohai University will realize its new leap in the new century and will make every effort to build Hohai University into an internationally-recognized , high-level and research-oriented universify with the first-rate discipline of waler resources in the world .

  10. 加快推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设,支持建设若干区域医疗中心,鼓励国外著名高校在中部地区开展合作办学,鼓励国内外大型综合性医疗机构依法依规在中部地区设立分支机构。

    The supply of high-quality public goods , such as world-class universities and large-scale medical institutions , should be increased in the region , the guideline says , specifying that world-renowned universities will be encouraged to run schools in partnership with local institutions , while large-scale comprehensive medical institutions are welcome to set up subsidiaries in the region .

  11. 一流的医院要有一流的学科群

    First Class Hospital Need First Class Scientific Technology Theory on Disciplines

  12. 对高校而言,一流的师资力量是高校发展一流学科,培养优秀人才,创造一流成果的关键,而学科带头人在这其中发挥中流砥柱的作用。

    For colleges and universities , first-class qualification of teachers is the key factor in developing first-class university disciplines and creating first-class achievements . At the same time , academic leaders play a cornerstone role in the process .

  13. 抓好学科规划与建设是建设世界一流大学的基础性工作,因为一流学科是创建世界一流大学的必要条件,多学科的架构是创建一流大学的基础。

    Planning and building the subjects is the basic work of developing a world-first-class university , for the first-class subjects are essential and the construction of multi-subjects is basal .

  14. 建设一流大学的关键就是要建设一流的学科,学科建设的状况从根本上反映和体现学校的办学水平、办学特色、学术地位和核心竞争力。

    The key to the development of first-class colleges is to construct first-class disciplines . The construction of disciplines can reflect and reveal the level and the characteristics of school running , the academic position and the kernel competitive power .

  15. 先进的国家往往必须有一流的大学,一流的大学必须有一流的学科,一流的学科必须有一流的人才。

    Usually a highly developed country must have first-class universities , while a first-class university must include first-rate disciplines which must reserve outstanding talents .

  16. 世界一流大学均属研究型大学,而一流大学必须有一流学科,因此,我国创建研究型大学必然要从学科建设入手。

    In the world , all the A-list university belong to research university , and A-list university must have A-list subjects , so founding research university should be started from the construction of subjects .

  17. 世界一流大学之所以著名,在很大程度上在于拥有一流的学科。

    The first-class disciplines contribute a lot to the outstanding of first-class universities around the world .