
  • 网络Shantou University Medical College;Medical College of Shantou University
  1. 地点和对象:在汕头大学医学院清洁级实验动物饲养中心,30只雄性spraguedawley大鼠。

    SETTINGS and MATERIALS : VD model was established in 30 male Sprague Dawley ( SD ) rats in a cleanness grade selected from the Experimental Animal-feeding Centre of the Medical College of Shantou University by permanent ligation in common carotid artery on both sides .

  2. 汕头大学医学院在此进行了有效的实践。

    The Medical College of Shantou University has practised effectively .

  3. 结果①20例慢性乙肝患者样本中,7例淋巴细胞与精子样本均见HBV汕头大学医学院硕士学位论文DNA阳性带;

    Results 1 . The positive bands of HBV DNA were observed in both of lymphocyte and sperm samples from seven of twenty cases with chronic hepatitis B infection .

  4. 方法选用健康清洁级Wistar大鼠40只,雄性,体重260~300g(由汕头大学医学院实验动物中心提供)。

    Methods 40 male Wistar rats weighing 260 ~ 300g were selected for experiment ( offered by the center of experimental animal of Shantou University Medical College ) .

  5. 方法:收集汕头大学医学院第一附属医院2001年2月至2003年6月间分离的82株来自不同病人的产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯菌。

    The method were as follows : 82 nonrepetitive ( one per patient ) clinical isolates of ESBLs - producing klebsiella pneumoniae were collected from February 2001 to June 2003 in the first affiliated hospital , shantou university , medical college .

  6. 小剂量的雷帕霉素对造血系汕头大学医学院硕士研究生毕业论文统、肾功能影响不大;

    Low-dose rapamycin has little effect on Hematopoietic system and renal fuction .

  7. 方法通过对近3年汕头大学医学院三家附属医院护理科研立项及论文撰写情况进行分析。

    Methods To analyze the situation of the scientific research in the 3 affiliated hospitals .

  8. 汕头大学医学院学报

    Journal of Shantou University Medical College

  9. 介绍汕头大学医学院创建国家级《临床基本技能》精品课程的经验。

    This paper focuses on the introduction of the experience of Shantou University Medical College in developing the national class excellent course Basic Clinical Skills .

  10. 本文就汕头大学医学院在综合大学内的办学实践,结合国内外有关资料,对如何发挥综合大学办医学院优势,培养跨世纪高级医学人才进行探讨。

    This article discusses how to exert the superiority of seting up medical college in comprehensive university to train higher medical personnel for 21st century .

  11. 地点、对象和干预本实验在在汕头大学医学院第一附属医院放射科完成。

    SETTING , PARTICIPANTS and INTERVENTIONS : The experiment was carried out in the Department of Radiation , First Affiliated Hospital , Medical College of Shantou University .

  12. 汕头大学医学院院长顾江说,尽管有健康风险,由于高额利润,电子垃圾处理业仍然吸引着人们投身其中。

    The high profit of e-waste processing continues to attract people , despite the health risks , says Gu Jiang , dean of the Shantou University Medical College .

  13. 方法:汕头大学医学院第一附属医院宁养院1999-01/2003-01中晚期癌症患者503例。

    METHODS : From January 1999 to January 2003 , 503 patients with middle-terminal cancer were selected from the Cozy and Quiet Sanatorium in the First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College .

  14. 考虑到医学院的本科教育与其它学科性质有别,汕头大学医学院将自行评选此项奖励。

    Recognizing that the characteristics of the Medical College in the undergraduate program differ from that of other academic disciplines , the Shantou University Medical College will conduct their own award selection process .

  15. 脐带取自汕头大学医学院第二附属医院妇产科健康足月妊娠剖宫产的胎儿,产妇及家属对实验知情同意,并经医院伦理委员会批准。

    The human umbilical cords were obtained from healthy caesarean delivered uterogestation foetus from The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University . The fact of the experiment was known by the lying-in mother and her family member , and was be approved by hospital Ethics Committee .