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  • 网络corchorus;Corohorius
  1. 黄麻属野生种与栽培种遗传资源多样性研究

    Genetic Diversity Research on Wild Species and Cultivating-varieties of Corchorus

  2. 关于黄麻属的起源与演化,各国学者历来持不同观点,对其起源地和演化途径有不同看法。

    The researchers from different countries have different views about the origin and evolution of Corchorus .

  3. RAPD和ISSR标记检测黄麻属遗传多样性的比较研究

    A Comparison Between RAPD and ISSR Technology in Detection of Genetic Diversity of Jute

  4. 苜蓿目中的双子叶植物科包括;榆树属;朴属;水榆属;山黄麻属。

    A dicot family of the order Urticales including : genera ulmus ; celtis ; planera ; trema .

  5. 黄麻属的任何一种植物之一,叶大,黄色花组成聚伞花序;可制成黄麻纤维。

    Any of various plants of the genus Corchorus having large leaves and cymose clusters of yellow flowers ; a source of jute .

  6. 本研究还对黄麻近缘野生种、栽培长果品种和栽培圆果品种的染色体特征进行了研究,以期揭示黄麻属在细胞学方面的演化趋势。

    In order to reveal the evolution trend on cytology of Corchorus , the characters of chromosomes were also studied .