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  • 网络Yellow soil;permeable paddy soil
  1. 太湖地区黄泥土水稻适宜施氮量研究&长期定位试验

    Economical Nitrogen Application in Permeable Paddy Soil in Taihu Region & A long term fertilization experiment

  2. 在长期定位试验的基础上研究了太湖地区黄泥土不同施氮水平对水稻产量、碳氮同化及不同土层氮的影响。

    Based on long term stationary experiment , effects of long-term nitrogen application on yield , carbon-nitrogen assimilation of leaves and soil nitrogen in permeable paddy soil in the Tai Lake region were studied .

  3. 结果表明,黄泥土对Cu2+吸附以Langmuir方程拟合为佳,模拟的最大吸附量达1600mg·kg-1以上。

    Adsorption of Cu2 + by the paddy soil could be best described with the Langmuir isotherm curve , with the maximum adsorption capacity over 1 600 mg · kg-1 . Before saturation , Cu2 + adsorption capacity showed in linear response to the concentration of spiked Cu2 + .

  4. 猪粪和稻草对镉污染黄泥土生物活性的影响

    Effect of pig manure and rice straw on biological activity of Cd-contaminated soil

  5. 太湖地区黄泥土的粘闭对作物生长的影响

    Effect of puddling of paddy soil on crop growth in Taihu Lake Region

  6. 草萘胺在黄泥土不同粒径微团聚体上的吸附行为

    Napropamide Sorption in Particle Size Fractions of Paddy Soil

  7. 黔中地区黄泥土油菜施用磷石膏的效果

    Effect of Applying Phospho gypsum in Rape Cultivation

  8. 长期不同施肥处理下黄泥土原土和团聚体颗粒组的菲含量变化

    Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Phenanthrene Contents of Original Paddy Soil and Aggregate Fractions

  9. 两种不同结构性的黄泥土对早稻吸收养分的影响

    The effect of different structures of paddy soil on the nutrient absorption by early rice plants

  10. 长期施肥对太湖地区黄泥土碳、氮、磷库特征及迁移性的影响

    Effects of the Long-Term Fertilization Practices on the Carbon , Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pools and Their Mobility

  11. 长期不同施肥下太湖地区黄泥土肥力的变化

    Change of soil fertility under long-term different fertilization practices in a paddy soil from the Tai Lake region

  12. 石灰与有机肥配施能够显著提高镉锌复合污染黄泥土的修复效率,与对照相比,修复镉污染的效率提高13.5倍;

    The remediation efficiency was significantly improved in the treatment of co-application with lime and manure in Cd-Zn contaminated paddy soil .

  13. 通过土壤养分系统研究法,诊断出贵州省铜仁地区松桃县黄泥土影响小麦产量的主要限制因子排列为:P>K>B。

    The main soil nutrients of affecting wheat yield is P > K > B by the systematic approach for determining nutrient contents of the yellow soil in Tongren prefecture .

  14. 黄泥土微团聚体颗粒组对Cu~(2+)的吸附与解吸研究

    Adsorption and desorption of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) by bulk samples and size fractions of mi-cro-Aggregates of a paddy soil ( Huangnitu ) from Tai Lake region , China

  15. 几种水稻土的最大吸附磷量依次为:黄泥田>淤泥土>黄泥土>夹砂土>砂性轻盐土;

    The sequence of maximum phosphate adsorption among paddy soils tested was Yellow mud field > Miry soil > Well drained paddy soil > Loamy sand soil > Salinized paddy soil .

  16. 不同施肥对水稻土作物碳同化与土壤碳固定的影响&以太湖地区黄泥土肥料长期试验为例

    Effect of different fertilization practices on crop carbon assimilation and soil carbon sequestration : A case of a paddy under a long-term fertilization trial from the Tai Lake region , China

  17. 为使人们能够吃上健康的无公害食品,采用三因素五水平最优回归设计,探讨了氮钾硫配方施肥对黄泥土萝卜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响。

    An optimized regression design with three factors and five levels was adopted to study the effects of N , K and S fertilizers on the yield and nitrate content of radish .

  18. 采用三因素五水平最优回归设计,研究了黄泥土配施氮钾硫肥对大白菜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响。

    An optimum regression design with three factors and five levels was adopted to find the effects of N , K and S fertilizers on the yield of Chinese cabbage and the nitrate content in its plant .

  19. 对采自太湖地区黄泥土进行了低能量超声波分离,采用平衡吸附法研究了不同粒径微团聚体颗粒对重金属Cd2+的吸附和解吸特点。

    Size fractions of micro-aggregates were separated from undisturbed soil samples from a paddy soil in Taihu Lake region ,( China . ) The sorption and desorption of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) by the particle separates were studied by using equilibrium adsorption method .

  20. 地力差减法在黄粘泥土玉米推荐施肥中的应用研究

    Application of Dissimilar Subtraction Method of Soil Fertility in Recommend Fertilizer Practice for Maize Planting in Yellow Clay Soil

  21. 解吸因数的大小排列顺序为:黄红壤、粉泥土、高岭土、珍珠岩、青紫泥、硅藻土。

    The order of Df ( desorption factor ) value was : yellowish red soil > silt-loamy soil > kaoline > perlite > paddy soil ( loamy clay ) > kieselguhr .