- 网络Yellow soil;permeable paddy soil

Economical Nitrogen Application in Permeable Paddy Soil in Taihu Region & A long term fertilization experiment
Based on long term stationary experiment , effects of long-term nitrogen application on yield , carbon-nitrogen assimilation of leaves and soil nitrogen in permeable paddy soil in the Tai Lake region were studied .
Adsorption of Cu2 + by the paddy soil could be best described with the Langmuir isotherm curve , with the maximum adsorption capacity over 1 600 mg · kg-1 . Before saturation , Cu2 + adsorption capacity showed in linear response to the concentration of spiked Cu2 + .
Effect of pig manure and rice straw on biological activity of Cd-contaminated soil
Effect of puddling of paddy soil on crop growth in Taihu Lake Region
Napropamide Sorption in Particle Size Fractions of Paddy Soil
Effect of Applying Phospho gypsum in Rape Cultivation
Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Phenanthrene Contents of Original Paddy Soil and Aggregate Fractions
The effect of different structures of paddy soil on the nutrient absorption by early rice plants
Effects of the Long-Term Fertilization Practices on the Carbon , Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pools and Their Mobility
Change of soil fertility under long-term different fertilization practices in a paddy soil from the Tai Lake region
The remediation efficiency was significantly improved in the treatment of co-application with lime and manure in Cd-Zn contaminated paddy soil .
The main soil nutrients of affecting wheat yield is P > K > B by the systematic approach for determining nutrient contents of the yellow soil in Tongren prefecture .
Adsorption and desorption of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) by bulk samples and size fractions of mi-cro-Aggregates of a paddy soil ( Huangnitu ) from Tai Lake region , China
The sequence of maximum phosphate adsorption among paddy soils tested was Yellow mud field > Miry soil > Well drained paddy soil > Loamy sand soil > Salinized paddy soil .
Effect of different fertilization practices on crop carbon assimilation and soil carbon sequestration : A case of a paddy under a long-term fertilization trial from the Tai Lake region , China
An optimized regression design with three factors and five levels was adopted to study the effects of N , K and S fertilizers on the yield and nitrate content of radish .
An optimum regression design with three factors and five levels was adopted to find the effects of N , K and S fertilizers on the yield of Chinese cabbage and the nitrate content in its plant .
Size fractions of micro-aggregates were separated from undisturbed soil samples from a paddy soil in Taihu Lake region ,( China . ) The sorption and desorption of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) by the particle separates were studied by using equilibrium adsorption method .
Application of Dissimilar Subtraction Method of Soil Fertility in Recommend Fertilizer Practice for Maize Planting in Yellow Clay Soil
The order of Df ( desorption factor ) value was : yellowish red soil > silt-loamy soil > kaoline > perlite > paddy soil ( loamy clay ) > kieselguhr .