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  1. 目的通过调查永兴县柏林镇居民胃蛋白酶原C基因多态性分布情况,研究环境因素与胃癌发病病因之间的关系,为胃癌的早期诊断提供实验依据。

    Objective To study the connection between environmental factors and the causes of gastric cancer and to provide experimental statistics for the early detection , the survey of polymorphism of pepsinogen C gene among the people in Bolin town , Yongxing County , Hunan Province was conducted .

  2. 获得苏丹的允许后,祭坛被送到德国,成为柏林佩加蒙博物馆的镇馆之宝。

    With the sultan 's permission , the altar was sent to Germany and became the centrepiece of the Pergamon museum in Berlin .