
  • 网络Towel fabric;Terry towel;woven terry
  1. 双层毛巾织物的设计

    Design of Double Terry Towel

  2. 超细纤维毛巾织物的结构和吸水性分析

    Structure and water absorbent property analysis of ultra-fine fiber knitted terry towel

  3. 多色缎档提花毛巾织物的工艺复杂,必须利用纹织CAD系统对花型和组织进行设计,本文从理论和实践两方面对CAD系统及其应用进行分析总结。

    The application of figured weaving CAD system is essential in patten and structure design to set the complicated technology to weave multi-color jacquard satin towels . The CAD system and its application were analyzed and summarized from the aspects of theory and practice .

  4. 结果表明:纤维素酶浓度45mL/20L、pH值4.8、温度50℃、时间90min时,纤维素酶整理毛巾织物效果最佳。

    The result indicates that the towel finished with cellulase has good effect under the condition of the concentration of cellulase 45 mL / 20L , pH value 4.8 , temperature 50 ℃, time 90 minutes .

  5. 毛巾织物毛圈固结力影响因素的研究

    An investigation of factors affecting the fixing strength of towel fabric loops

  6. 空芯纱毛巾织物舒适性能的测试分析

    Analysis of Comfort Property of Towel Fabric by Hollow Yarn

  7. 纬编和经编机的新进展毛巾织物经纱上浆工艺改进

    Advances in Weft and Warp Knitting Improvement of the warp sizing for towel

  8. 针对毛巾织物的特点,提出了运用电脑意匠系统进行大提花毛巾设计的几种方法。

    Some methods applied in designing figured towels by Pattern CAD were introduced .

  9. 毛巾织物经纱上浆工艺改进

    Improvement of the warp sizing for towel

  10. 毛巾织物防螨抗菌整理工艺

    Mite-Proofing and Antimicrobial Finishing of Toweling Fabric

  11. 毛巾织物短流程前处理工艺

    Shortened pretreatment of towel fabric

  12. 毛巾织物斜坡织疵形成机理及其克服措施

    The cause of the weaving defect " slope " on the towel fabrics and the measures to eliminate the defect

  13. 实验表明:采用不溶性偶氮染料可以研制出具有新颖、朦胧效果的毛巾织物。

    The practice shows that a novel towel fabric with hazy view effect can be developed with insoluble azo dyes .

  14. 提出在设计双层毛巾织物时应考虑的问题以及在织造过程中的工艺设计要点。

    This paper pointed out some considerable questions on designing double towel cloth , and processing design keys of weaving .

  15. 现设计采用“还原染料湿短蒸轧染工艺”进行毛巾织物连续染色,染色重现性高,品质稳定、节约能源。

    Its dyeing reproducibility is higher than that of exhaust vat dyeing , along with quality stability and energy saving .

  16. 研究了印纬印花工艺在纯棉毛巾织物上的应用,并讨论了染化料的选择原则。

    Researchers studied use of weft printing process in pure cotton towel fabric and discussed the principle of selection of dyes and chemicals .

  17. 就利用国产普通提花织机织造缎档毛巾织物进行了论述,对各工序应注意的问题进行了探讨。

    On Satin It dealed with the processing practice for weaving sateen towel fabric on common jacquard loom and the problems occurred during the manufacture processes .

  18. 本篇简要介绍了几种较新颖毛巾织物如:抗撕力毛巾、缎档毛巾、双层毛巾、浮雕毛巾等的组织设计。

    This paper introduces the producing principle of towel fabrics and the weave design of several kinds of new towel fabrics , such as tear-proof towel , satin towel , double towel and relief towel .

  19. 缎档毛巾类织物在纹织CAD系统上的设计要点

    The Design Cruxes of Satin Towel on Jacquard Weaving CAD Software

  20. 只需编辑花型控制程序(艺数据)即可织出绚丽多彩的缎档、边小提花毛巾、巾、织物、饰布等。

    All you need to do is to edit style control program ( technique data ), you can get bright and colorful towel , Turkish towel , decorating cloth , etc.

  21. 系列熨平机是洗涤机械中先进熨平设备。它广泛适用于熨平各种被单、被面、床单、台布、浴巾、毛巾、毛毯等织物。

    Series of flatter is an advanced flatting equipments in washing machinery which is widely used in ironing all kinds of bedsheet , quilt sheet , table sheet , towel , blanket , etc.

  22. 该毛巾剑杆织机主要用于织造棉纱等不同原料的各种面巾、方巾、浴巾等螺旋缎档或提花缎档毛巾织物。

    Towel repair loom is used to weave cotton yarn , helix satinstrips and decoration satinstrips towel woof , such as face towel , square towel , bath towel with differ materials .