
  1. RS、GIS支持下都匀毛尖茶种植适宜地评价

    Evaluation on the Suitable Land of Duyun Maojian Tea Planting Based on RS and GIS

  2. 迪力FT系列毛尖染料制作微风效应的工艺

    Technology of using Dili FT series hair - top dyes for breeze effect

  3. 结论为:毛尖茶对MANA诱发大鼠食管上皮增生癌变有明显的抑制作用。

    From above , we can get the conclusion that Mao-Jian Tea is powerful to inhibit the hyperplasia and canceration caused by MANA in the esophagus epithelium of rats .

  4. 目的:以信阳毛尖茶叶的浸提液为原料,研究ADS-8树脂吸附儿茶素的特性。

    Objective : To study the static adsorption characteristics of resin ADS-8 to catechins from Xinyang Maojian tea extract .

  5. 本文以大鼠为实验对象,探讨河南信阳毛尖茶对MANA所诱发大鼠食管上皮增生、癌变的抑制作用。

    Based on the experimental rats , this article is focused on the function of Mao - jian Tea from Xinyang in Henan to inhibit the hyperplasia and canceration caused by MANA in the esophagus epithelium of rats .

  6. 本文在体外模拟胃液条件(pH3.4,37℃)下探讨了六种信阳毛尖茶对二甲胺和亚硝酸盐合成二甲基亚硝胺(DMN)的影响。

    The effect of 6 kinds of Xinyang Maojian tea ( Chinese green tea ) on the formation ( pH3 . 4 , 37 ° C ) of DMN ) in vitro was studied .

  7. 桂花毛尖茶加工技术研究初报

    A initial study on processing technology of osmanthus scented Maojian tea

  8. 毛尖茶常见品质缺点及其成因

    Common Defects of Quality on Mao-jian Tea and Its'Cause of Formation

  9. 君山毛尖茶在全中国都享有盛名。

    Junshan silver needles tea enjoys a good reputation across china .

  10. 信阳毛尖储藏期间茶香气的变化

    Changes of the aroma constituents of Xinyang Maojian tea in storage

  11. 信阳毛尖感官审评品质因子间的相关性研究

    Studies on Correlation of Organoleptic Test Qualitative Factors of Xinyang Maojian Tea

  12. 信阳毛尖茶叶挥发性成分GC/MS分析

    Analysis of Volatile Components in Xinyang MaoJian Tea by GC / MS

  13. 信阳毛尖中茶多糖的提取、纯化与组分研究

    Study on extraction , purification and composition tea polysaccharide from Xinyang Maojian

  14. 信阳毛尖茶是中国传统名茶之一,品质优异。

    Xinyang Maojian tea is one of the famous traditional Chinese teas .

  15. 信阳毛尖茶多糖提取条件的研究

    Extraction Conditions Study of Tea Polysaccharides in Xinyang MaoJian

  16. 毛尖茶叶炒茶机构研究

    Research on the Maojian - tea Processing Mechanism

  17. 毛尖茶叶炒茶机构的动力学分析及优化设计

    Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Design on Maojian-tea Processing

  18. 我走在我的周围毛尖脚趾。

    I walk around on my tippy toes .

  19. 信阳毛尖茶的化学成分

    The chemical components of xinyang maojian tea

  20. 为改变这种现状,研制小型的毛尖茶叶加工机械迫在眉睫。

    In order to change present situation , the small Maojian-tea processing machine must be developed .

  21. 欧洲中部和南部及小亚细亚的一种树,叶呈长椭圆形,毛尖状,有穗状花序裂片。

    Large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having oblong-lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes .

  22. 本文着重介绍信阳以茶敬客的饮茶习俗、以茶为礼的风习及信阳毛尖茶艺。

    The tea custom of recepting the guests and Xinyang Maojian tea art in Xinyang have been introduced .

  23. 当它被缠绕到箭轴上时,羽片的毛尖部分均指向箭尾凹口。

    When it was wrapped around the shaft , the tips of the web all pointed back towards the nock .

  24. 本文简要介绍了毛尖山水电站水情自动测报系统的功能、点和运行管理等情况。

    This paper briefly introduces the function , characteristics and its operation of water regimen automatic measuring and reporting system .

  25. 毛尖茶在湖北名优绿茶中品牌响、经济效益高、影响力大、带动力强。

    Maojian tea possesses the properties such as a famous brand , high economic effect , huge impact and strong driving .

  26. 以中低档信阳毛尖茶和桂花鲜花为原料研制成桂花毛尖茶,对桂花毛尖茶加工的关键技术参数进行了初步研究。

    The critical technique parameter for processing osmanthus scented Maojian tea manufactured by middlelowlevel Xinyang Maojian tea and sweet osmanthus flowers was studied .

  27. 研究不同等级和不同存放时间信阳毛尖茶叶中的多糖含量及提取得率。

    The content and extraction yield of polysaccharide from Xinyang Maojian teas of different grades and storage time were studied in the article .

  28. 从仪式的过程来看,诗意的仪式体现在以信阳毛尖茶艺表演为内容的仪式表演中。

    According to the process of ritual , the performances , the content of Xinyang Maojian tea art , embodies the poetry of ritual .

  29. 又参考了其他专家学者的观点和意见,提出都匀毛尖集团品牌发展战略的对策。

    Other experts also made reference to the views and opinions of scholars , to Duyun Maojian Group brand development strategy to counter it .

  30. 出产中国十大名茶之一&信阳毛尖的河南省信阳地区,是中原历史悠久、著名的产茶区,信阳的茶文化是区域文化重要的组成部分。

    Xinyang area , where produces Xinyang Maojian tea in Henan province , is a tea producing area with long histories and high reputation in the Central Plains .