
  • 网络Leaf age;foliar age
  1. 不同叶龄期追施N、K肥对中粳稻产量和群体质量影响的研究

    Effect of Application of Nitrogen and Potassium at Different Leaf Age Period on Yield and Population Quality of One-season-medium Rice

  2. 不同叶龄期追施N、K肥对水稻抗倒及干物质积累影响

    Effect on Lodging Resistance of Culms and Dry Material Accumulation at Different Leaf Age to Topdress N and K Fertilizer in Rice

  3. 叶绿素a、b和类胡萝卜素含量随着叶龄的增加而增加,但前10天增长快,以后缓慢,而且叶绿素a增长更快。

    The content of chlorophyll a , b and carotenoid increased with the age up .

  4. Ca、Mg含量随着叶龄增大而增加;

    Mg in the leaves increased with the increasing of the leaves age .

  5. 甜菊不同叶龄叶片细胞ATPase活性的定位

    Localization of ATPase Activity in the Different-Staged Leaf Cells of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni

  6. 探讨茶叶铝含量与叶龄及土壤pH值的关系。

    The present paper deals with the relationship between the Al content in tea leaves and each of tea age and soil pH value .

  7. 结果表明:高光效群体在(N-n)叶龄期够苗,拔节期的总茎蘖数相当于适宜穗数的1.2~1.3倍;

    The results are as follows : for high photosynthetic efficient population , the total amount of tillers are 1.2 ~ 1.3 times that of effective tillers at jointing stage ;

  8. 结果表明,随着叶龄的增大,施药后鸭跖草叶中丙二醛(MDA)含量变化量下降,而叶绿素含量、光合速率及气孔导度恢复越快。

    The content of leaf MDA decreased , but chlorophyll content , photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance recovered rapidly with leaf stages after imazethapyr spray .

  9. 10~30d叶龄的叶片再生能力较强。

    The 10 ~ 30 days old leaf had higher regeneration ability .

  10. 在N叶期搁田,并持续1个叶龄期,对N叶内的分蘖芽长度有抑制作用,茎蘖生长呈迟缓状态。

    It was clearly shown that draining paddy field at N leaf-age and keeping one leaf-age long would prohibit the length of the tiller bud in N leaf axil , and could make it grow slowly .

  11. 本实验结果表明,在不同叶龄苹果叶片中,AsA含量主要取决于其合成能力。

    These results suggested that AsA contents were mainly due to ability of synthesis in apple leaves of various ages . 4 .

  12. 棉花主茎叶片的超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、叶绿素含量及净光合速率等因叶龄不同而变化。

    The activity of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and peroxidase ( POD ), contents of chlorophyll and net photosynthetic rate varied with the age of leaves in cotton stem .

  13. 通过应用不同浓度的ABA诱导不同叶龄期的番茄,并于不同诱导时间冷胁迫处理番茄后,测定相关生理指标;

    Several leaves old tomatoes were induced by the various concentration of ABA for different time and were assayed the activity of POD , CAT , EC .

  14. 结果表明:随NaCl胁迫的增加,玉米不同部位的全磷含量明显增加,叶片全磷含量随叶龄增加而降低;

    The results showed that the total phosphorus content of different parts of maize increased significantly with NaCl stress and the total phosphorus content of leaves decreased with the increasing of leaf age .

  15. 63d叶龄的人参叶片光合速率对CO2水平的响应不敏感。

    However , it was not sensitive that the photosynthetic rate responded to CO_2 level in the leaves of 63 days .

  16. 结果表明,不同种植密度下株高、叶龄、LAI和干物质积累均存在差异,且产量受种植密度影响较大。

    The results indicated that plant height , leaf age , LAI and accumulation of dried matter existed difference under different sowing density , especially sowing densities had the great effects on yield .

  17. 6叶龄20d短日照处理对籼稻品种南农大的穗粒数和结实率的影响最小。

    Effect of short-day treatment on NSO and SSR of indica rice was lest in 6 leaf age for 10 days .

  18. 李树叶片负值期为5~6d,叶龄为25~28d时Pn达最大值。

    The negative periods of the leaves in plum were 5 ~ 6 days , and the Pn was the highest in 25 ~ 28 days for leaf age .

  19. 对棉花柱头外露4个光敏种质的不同叶龄期幼苗进行16h长日照处理。

    Four cotton germplasms with stigma showing which are sensitive to daylight were treated with 16 hours day length at different seedling leaf ages .

  20. 各水氮处理下烟株中部叶(叶位:16-18)叶片叶绿素与类胡萝卜素含量均在叶龄10d时最高,之后随着叶龄的增长逐渐降低。

    At the leaf age 10 d , the content of chl a and carotenoids of all treatment were the highest , but then decreased as the leaf age increased .

  21. 综合所有试验数值可见,在一至两片真叶展平时施用1、2mM水杨酸处理对盐胁迫的缓解效果较佳,实际生产中应尽量在较小叶龄时施用。

    It is concerned that use 1 、 2mM salicylic acid when one or two piece of euphylla the relieve effect is best . we should use SA in lesser age of leaves .

  22. 结果表明:在夏季银杉生长旺盛时期,遮荫导致叶片最大光合速率(Pnmax)、羧化效率(CE)下降,但不同叶龄叶片的下降幅度不同。

    Results showed that the low light environment decreased the maximal rate of photosynthesis ( Pnmax ) and carboxylation efficiency ( CE ) in the summer growing season , but the degree of depression depended on leaf age .

  23. 不同叶龄的叶片经高光胁迫后,第5叶(成熟叶)qN增加的幅度比第6叶(幼嫩叶)和老叶(第3和4叶)大;

    When the leaves were exposed to high light for 2 h , the qN of mature leaf ( 5th leaf ) increased more significantly than that of younger ( 6th leaf ) and older leaves ( 3rd and 4th leaf ) .

  24. 暗培养处理不能提高M14叶盘的芽再生频率。14~30d叶龄的叶盘有较高芽再生频率。

    Dark treatment did not enhance shoot regeneration of M 14 . The age of leaf disks from 14 to 30 days produced shoot at higher frequency than those from less than 14 days or more than 30 days of leaves .

  25. 烟叶中所含的铁、硼、锰,都是在40d叶龄时达到最大值,锌在50d叶龄达到最大值,但与40d叶龄差异不大;

    The contents of iron , boron , and manganese had the highest value on the forty leaf age . Zinc had the highest content on fifty leaf age , but it had little difference with the content of forty leaf age .

  26. 其结果GM2和衰减指数模型组合被确定为用来检测水稻第3个连锁群控制叶龄动态变化QTL的优化模型。

    Based on statistical power of detecting QTL , the model with GM2 for the mean vector and " Damped " exponential model for residual covariance matrix was determined as optimal one and two QTL were detected in linkage group 3 , with greater statistical power than other combinations .

  27. 水稻叶龄模式微机咨询软件

    Microcomputer Consultant Software Employed in the Leaf age model in Rice

  28. 不同叶龄期水稻秧苗对水分亏缺反应的探讨

    Response of Rice Seedling to Water Deficit at Different Leaf Age

  29. 绞股蓝采收期应定在400叶龄以上为好。

    And harvesting dates of G. pentaphyllum is after 400-leaf age .

  30. 水稻叶龄模型在形态建成模拟中的应用

    Application of the leaf-age model in the simulation of rice morphogenesis