
  • 网络roll;roller;Grinding Roller
  1. 型内感应加热双金属复合磨辊的研制

    Development of Bimetal Composite Grinding Roll Produced with In-mold Induction Heating

  2. 在线磨辊辊面粗糙度的实验研究

    Study on Roll Surface Roughness during On-Line Grinding of Roll

  3. 在线磨辊技术在PC轧机上的应用效果

    Application effect of on-line roll grinder on PC mill

  4. 工作辊在线磨辊(ORG)技术,就是基于实现自由规程轧制和提高轧机板形控制能力要求发展起来的一项新技术。

    The on-line grinding technology of work roll is a new technology developed for realizing the rolling of free standing order and improving the shape control capability of mill .

  5. 以2050热轧磨辊数控磨床电气系统改造为背景,介绍了基于PROFIBUS-DP总线的磨床数控系统的硬件配置以及PROFIBUS-DP网络的组建方法。

    Based on the revamping project of grinding machine control system , the hardware configuration of the PROFIBUS-DP bus based control system and the way of setting up the Profibus network were discussed .

  6. 另外还对磨辊轴进行了设计,首先根据一般轴类零件的设计方法进行初步设计,然后应用Ansysworkbench软件对设计的磨辊轴进行强度校核。

    Simultaneously , designed the grinding roller shaft , firstly accomplished the preliminary design according to the general design methods of the shaft parts , and then check the strength of the grinding roller shaft applying the ANSYS Workbench software .

  7. 根据CVC轧机的工作原理及板带轧制基本要求,探讨了CVC轧机工作辊辊型的选择条件,井导出了立方抛物线辊型的设计或磨辊曲线公式。

    According to the principle of CVC mills , the selection of work roll shape is discussed . Formulas used for the design of CVC work roll shape are given .

  8. 由Ni-hardⅣ合金镍铸铁制作的磨辊衬板在磨损后改用KSW焊丝堆焊修复,提高磨辊衬板的使用寿命4倍以上。

    After the roller lining plates made of Ni - hard IV were worn , their service life can be prolonged 4 times in case repaired by bead weld with KSW welding wire .

  9. 大功率重载行星齿轮箱在水泥磨辊压机中的应用

    The application of heavy load planetary gearbox in cement roller press

  10. 磨辊磨光拉丝机的结构及造型

    The Structure and Modeling of Roll Grinding and Fluting Machine s

  11. 磨辊轴过盈联接系统可靠性设计

    Reliability Design of the Interference Fit System of Roller Shaft

  12. 采用能提高粉碎效率的梯形磨辊与磨环。

    The ladder-shaped rollers and ring improve crushing efficiency greatly .

  13. 浅谈立式磨辊与磨盘的磨损

    Wear of Grinding Disk and Grinding Roller of Roller mill

  14. 基于磨辊中旋转热管参数的设计研究

    The Parameter Design of Rotating Heat Pipe for Grinder Roll

  15. 铸铁磨辊表面激光淬火

    Laser Surface Quenching of Ore Milling Roller of Low Alloy Cast Iron

  16. 磨辊轴静刚度的有限元法分析计算

    The Calculation of the Rigidity of Roll Shaft Through Finite Element Analysis

  17. 大型磨辊工艺性能的探讨

    Study on Technology and Properties of the Large Roll Grinding

  18. 不锈钢粉碎磨辊在加工盐中的应用

    Application of stainless steel crush Roller in the salt Processing

  19. 高钒高耐磨合金复合磨辊在辊式破碎机上的应用

    Application of High-Vanadium High Abrasion-Resistance Compound Alloy Grinding Roller in Roller Crusher

  20. 磨辊流量公式参数解读与轧距计算程序

    Parameter Analysis of Grinding Roller Flux Formula and Rolling Distance Calculation Program

  21. 在线磨辊技术的研究与发展

    Research of on-line roll grinding technique on plate and strip rolling mill

  22. 面粉机磨辊车削实验研究

    Research on turning of flour - machine mill rolls

  23. 硼铬合金铸铁磨辊的研制

    Development of Iron Roller Alloyed with Boron and Chromium

  24. 磨粉机磨辊驱动方案设计探讨

    Studies of the design on mill roller driving schemes

  25. 生料磨辊面磨损的经济性评价

    Economical evaluation of roller surface wears in raw mill

  26. 基于系统强度可靠度的磨辊轴过盈联接模糊可靠性设计

    Fuzzy Reliability Design of System Strength for the Interference Articulation of a Roller

  27. 高压辊磨机磨辊强度有限元分析

    Strength finite element analysis of high pressure grinding roll

  28. 辊式磨粉机磨辊的优化设计新型全自动磨粉机浅析

    The Optimized Design of the Roll An Elementary Analysis of the New-Type Full-Automatic Grinder

  29. 关于辊式磨粉机的磨辊调平

    Parallelism adjusting for grinding rolls of roller mill

  30. 磨辊轴平砧拔长时孔洞闭合的模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of voids crushing in stretching process using flat anvil for grinding roller shaft