
  • 网络impact abrasive wear
  1. 研究了铸造复合中锰奥氏体钢在冲击磨料磨损条件下的耐磨性能。

    The wear resistance of casting composite medium manganese steel has been studied under the condition of impact abrasive wear .

  2. 研究了石英和煤两种磨料条件下材料的冲击磨料磨损耐磨性及其疲劳磨损机制。

    The impact abrasive wear resistance of materials and its fatigue wear mechanism under the conditions of quartz and coal as abrasive had been investigated .

  3. 原位反应TiCp/Fe基复合材料在冲击磨料磨损条件下耐磨性的研究

    Study on Wear-resistance of In-situ TiC_p / Fe Composites in the Condition of Impacting Abrasives Wearing

  4. 用X射线衍射分析方法测定了镀层表面结构并作了冲击磨料磨损试验。

    The X-ray diffraction was used to determine the structure of the coating surface . At last , the shock abrasive wear test was performed .

  5. WC的加入提高了材料的抗冲击磨料磨损性能。

    Adding WC particles can effectively improve the the impact abrasive wear resistance of the composite .

  6. Fe-B-C合金冲击磨料磨损性能及磨损机制的研究

    A Study on Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance and Wear Mechanism of Fe-B-C Alloys

  7. 共晶成分或稍微过共晶成分的高铬铸铁显示良好的抗冲击磨料磨损能力,而添加W、N等提高抗冲击磨损能力不明显。

    The hi-Cr cast iron with eutectic composition or the composition a little higher than eutectic demonstrated excellent impact abrasive wear resistance , and adding W , Nb and some other elements had no obvious effect on increasing impact abrasive wear resistance .

  8. 通过对磨损表面的形貌观察可知以石英砂为磨料的冲击磨料磨损机制主要为WC颗粒的断裂、破碎以及剥落。

    The observation of the worn surface morphology showed the dominant mechanism of impact abrasive wear with quartz sand as the abrasive is the fracture , fragmentation and falling off of WC grains .

  9. 结果表明:在冲击磨料磨损条件下,复合材料基体磨损以凹坑和塑性流动为主,TiC颗粒则起到增强基体的作用。

    The result indicates that : in the condition of the impacting abrasives wearing , there are mainly notches and plastic flow of the matrix of the composites , and TiC particulates reinforces the matrix .

  10. 采用SEM对表层复合材料的磨损形貌进行分析得出,表层复合材料的三体及冲击磨料磨损机制为WCp的脱离及疲劳断裂和基体组织的脆性断裂、疲劳断裂和疲劳脱落。

    The results show that fall off and fatigue rupture for WCp , fatigue fracture and fatigue wear for matrix were the main wear styles in the process of three-body and impact abrasion of the surface composites .

  11. 为了提高高锰钢冲击磨料磨损性能,利用离心铸造法制备了WC颗粒增强高锰钢基表面复合材料,并在MLD10型动载磨料磨损试验机上进行了冲击磨料磨损性能试验。

    In order to improve the impact abrasive wear resistance of high manganese steel , WC particles reinforced high manganese steel matrix surface composites were fabricated by centrifugal casting processing . And the impact abrasive wear tests were carried out on MLD-10 type rig .

  12. 成功研制了一种适用于抗冲击磨料磨损条件下的堆焊合金,合金系统为Fe-Mn-Cr-Mo-V,在受到较大载荷冲击后较焊态堆焊层硬度提高66%。

    A kind of hardfacing alloys were developed for impact wear-resistant which is a Fe-Mn-Cr-Mo-V alloy system . After impact experiment the hardness degree of deposited metal increases 66 % compare with the hardness degree of deposited metal as welded .

  13. 低碳球墨铸铁冲击磨料磨损特性的研究

    A Study on Impact Abrasive Properties of Low Carbon Ductile Iron

  14. 冲击磨料磨损是一种极恶劣的磨损工况。

    Impact abrasive wear is one of the worst conditions on abrasion .

  15. 冲击磨料磨损中白层形成机制的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of White Layer Formation Mechanism During Impact Abrasive Wear

  16. 材料的冲击磨料磨损耐磨性及其疲劳磨损机制

    The Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance of Materials and its Fatigue Wear Mechanism

  17. 变质超高锰钢的冲击磨料磨损行为研究

    On the impact abrasive wear of super-high manganese steel

  18. 低合金钢冲击磨料磨损性能的研究

    The Study of Impact Wear Properties for Lowalloy Steels

  19. 新型马氏体耐磨钢的冲击磨料磨损性能旋转式磨料磨损试验机

    Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance of New Type Martensitic Wear Resistant Steel rotary abrasive tester

  20. 采用冲击磨料磨损试验考察磨球材料与65Mn材料的磨损性能,对比分析了这两种材料的冲击磨损机理。

    The abrasive wear mechanism of these two kinds of grinding balls was contrastively analysis .

  21. 热处理工艺对中碳合金钢冲击磨料磨损耐磨性的影响

    Effect of Heat Treatment on the Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance of Medium Carbon Alloy Steel

  22. 分析了压裂泵阀的冲击磨料磨损、冲蚀磨损等磨损机理;

    Furthermore , the wear mechanism of impact particle wear and particle erosion are analysed .

  23. 奥氏体在冲击磨料磨损过程中的作用

    Behaviour of austenite under impact abrasion

  24. 高应力冲击磨料磨损时,高铬白口铸铁应选共晶成分。

    Eutectic composition should be adopted for high-Cr white cast iron used under high-stress impact abrasion condition .

  25. 对镍硬铸铁和常用的铬系白口铸铁进行了削盘磨损试验和冲击磨料磨损试验。

    Abrasion-resistant capability of Ni-cast iron and Cr-cast iron were studied by abrasion wears and impact test .

  26. 共晶碳化物形貌与分布对白口铸铁抗冲击磨料磨损性能的影响

    Effect of Morphology and Distribution of Eutectic Carbide on Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance of White Cast Iron

  27. 研究了超高锰钢铸态和热处理态的显微组织、力学性能和耐冲击磨料磨损性能。

    As-cast and heat treated microstructure , mechanical properties and impact abrasive wear resistance are investigated in this paper .

  28. 这对研究新型压裂泵泵阀抗冲击磨料磨损性能的材料具有一定的指导意义。

    It has a guiding significance to research the new materials of resisting the wear in valves of the fracturing pump .

  29. 冲击磨料磨损过程以冲击变形磨损为主,兼有切削磨损和凿削磨损。

    The impact abrasive wear-off process contained the impact deformation wear as main , and also the cutting wear , as well as the chiseling wear .

  30. 冲击磨料磨损破坏高铬铸铁表面的钝化膜,加速碳化物与基体的相间腐蚀,极大促进了腐蚀电化学反应的阳极过程,使动态腐蚀率随着冲击功的增大而增大。

    Impact wear severely accelerated the inter-phase corrosion by breaking or thinning the passive film , which strongly accelerated the anodic process of the electrochemical corrosion .