
chōnɡ fēnɡ zhōu
  • Assault boat;charge boat
  1. 四川警察总队已经派遣各单位携冲锋舟和其他设备组织营救工作,并准备直升机随时应对可能出现的紧急情况。

    Sichuan police forces have dispatched units to conduct rescue missions , equipped with steam boats and other necessary facilities . Helicopters also stand by to handle possible emergencies .

  2. 随着水位线逐渐上涨,来自湖北的2700多名武警迅速集结,携95台车辆和冲锋舟等紧急赶往洪水重灾区。

    As the water levels kept rising , more than 2700 troops from Hubei 's armed police units with 95 vehicles and speedboats have reached the severely flooded areas .

  3. 听说,当时一个团长驾着冲锋舟冲了过去,后来是用枪顶着船主的脑袋,硬是逼着让他把船开过去,沉了下去。

    Hear , a chief drove to assault boat to hurtle at that time past , is the head that wore a ship owner with the gun crest afterwards , forced to let him open a ship to pass by simply , sink to descend .