
  • 网络press working;punch;Stamping
  1. 不锈钢制品在冲压加工中的材料管理

    Materials Management in the Stamping of Stainless Steels

  2. 板料冷冲压加工是机械加工的一个重要组成部分。

    Sheet metal stamping coldmachining processing is an important component .

  3. 数控冲压加工NC代码仿真系统的研究

    Research on NC codes simulating system in NC pressing process

  4. 基于TOPSIS方法的冲压加工绿色制造工艺方案决策

    Decision-making of Technical Scheme about Green Manufacturing in Pressing Based on TOPSIS Method

  5. 某公司对进口的冷轧弹簧钢带(50CrVA)进行冷冲压加工时,钢带表面沿轧制方向出现了起皮、剥离等现象。

    The peeling was happened on the surface of spring steel strip ( 50CrVA ) imported , after cold-pressing .

  6. 根据铝翅片冲压加工工艺的技术特点,选用加氢精制窄馏分轻质油为基础油,添加特制的脂肪酸酯为油性剂以及自制的润湿剂和复合防锈剂等添加剂调合成HC-L200挥发性冲压油。

    A volatile pressing oil HC-L200 was formulated with hydrotreated narrow fraction light base oil , fatty acid ester lubricant and additives , such as homemade wetting agent and compounded antirust agent .

  7. 复合电工合金触片冲压加工工艺设计

    Design of the Stamping Process for Electric Alloy Tip Contact s

  8. 杯突测试表明,接头具有良好的冲压加工性能。

    Erichsen test shows that the press working properties are satisfactory .

  9. 全流程核电经济性评价系统的探讨冲压加工的经济性核电和物理学

    Elementary study on the evaluation system of the whole nuclear power process

  10. 冲压加工的绿色制造体系结构和工艺评价分析

    Architecture of green manufacturing and process evaluation analysis of pressing

  11. 空冷汽轮发电机转子线圈通风孔的冲压加工

    Punching Technology of Ventilation Holes of Rotor Coils for Air - cooled Turbogenerator

  12. 极低粘度金属加工油,适合黑色金属和有色金属的冲孔和冲压加工。

    Very low viscosity oil for punching stamping of ferrous non ferrous material .

  13. 覆盖件冲压加工中回弹预测的研究

    Study on Springback Prediction in Automotive Panels Forming Processing

  14. 压力机对保持架冲压加工的影响及失效分析

    Influence and failure analysis when punching cage with press

  15. 自动送料机构是冲压加工实现自动化生产的关键装置。

    The automatic feed mechanism is the key set of automatic impact extrusion .

  16. 液压动力大,冲压加工质量好。

    High hydraulic power and good processing quality .

  17. 利用电磁脉冲进行冲压加工

    Punch Processing by Using Technique of Electromagnetic Impulse

  18. 快速换模技术在大中型客车行业冲压加工中的应用

    The Application of Quick Die Change Technology in Big and Medium Bus of Pressing Machining

  19. 动态显式有限元法在冷冲压加工模拟中的应用

    Dynamic-explicit FE Simulation of Cold Forging Across-bar

  20. 这些结果对后翼子板初始毛坯的选择、冲压加工过程控制等具有指导意义。

    These results are important both for the choice of initial blank and forming process control .

  21. 介绍了铝合金型材在冲压加工时的工艺特点和模具设计要点。

    Keys to technology and die design of stamp-ing of Al alloy profile have been introduced .

  22. 最后,采用TOP-SIS方法对冲压加工的绿色制造工艺进行综合评价。

    Finally , the TOPSIS method is adopted to evaluate the green manufacturing process of stamping .

  23. 冲压加工的新技术

    New Technique in Stamping Processing

  24. 转子线圈通风孔的冲压加工工艺进行了详细分析。

    The punching technology of ventilation holes of rotor coils for air-cooled turbogenerator is analyzed in detail .

  25. 提出一种微细冲压加工和微细电火花加工交叉结合的微细阵列型孔复合加工方法。

    A compound machining method of micro array holes is presented by combined micro stamping machining with micro-EDM .

  26. 分析了车厢侧板零件通风窗冲压加工的工艺特点,设计了一副针对该零件加工的切口拉伸复合模。

    Analyzed press technology characteristics of vent-windows of the car side board , designed a lancing-drawing compound die .

  27. 该模具对中小批量的曲面板件冲压加工具有明显的优势,其应用前景十分广阔。

    The die has obvious advantages in middle-small batch of curved-surface sheet forming . It can be widely used .

  28. 所用模拟方法为设计不锈钢球形封头衬里的多次冷冲压加工工艺方案提供了有效的理论依据。

    The simulation method provides basic theoretical foundation for the fabrication steps of large caliber-thick hemispherical stainless head lining .

  29. 在现代农业机械零件的生产制造中冷冲压加工占有十分重要的地位,是必不可少的加工方法。

    Cold stamping processing is essential and of great importance to the process of manufacturing modern agricultural machinery parts .

  30. 尺寸较大的过渡型腔采用微细冲压加工,以提高加工效率和保证加工尺寸的一致性;

    The larger transition cavities are processed by micro stamping in order to improve machining efficiency and ensure consistency of dimensions .