• jade
  • pure;fair;handsome;beautiful
  • your
  • 石头的一种,质细而坚硬,有光泽,略透明,可雕琢成工艺品:~石。~器。~玺(君主的玉印)。抛砖引~。金~良言。~不琢,不成器。

  • 美,尊贵的,敬辞:~泉。~液(美酒)。~言。~姿。~照(敬称别人的照片)。~宇(a.天空;b.瑰丽的宫阙殿宇)。亭亭~立。金科~律。金~其外,败絮其中。

  • 姓。


(玉石) jade:

  • 白玉

    white jade;

  • 碧玉


  • 黑玉


  • 黄玉


  • 绿玉


  • 青玉


  • 紫翠玉



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 玉况

    Yu Kuang


(比喻洁白或美丽) (of a person, esp. a woman) pure; fair; handsome; beautiful:

  • 亭亭玉立

    fair, slim and graceful


(敬辞,指对方身体或行动) your:

  • 玉照

    your photograph

  1. 这玉是真的。

    This jade is genuine .

  2. 厉王叫玉匠鉴定,玉匠说:“这是一块普通的石头。”

    King Li asked a jade craftsman2 to appraise3 it . The jade craftsman said : " This is a piece of ordinary stone . "

  3. 玉露如珠。

    The dewdrops are as bright as pearls .

  4. 和田玉是中国五大名玉之一

    Nephrite is one of China 's most five famous jades .

  5. 照像卤化银乳剂是用三碳青染料进行光谱增玉的

    Photographic silver halide emusions are spectrally sensitized with a tricarbocyanine dye .

  6. 玉寿外出办事,在大路上遇到徐冯。

    Once Yu Shou went out to handle some affairs . He met Xu Feng on the roads .

  7. 郑国人把没有经过雕琢的玉叫做“璞”,而周国人却将没有腌制处理的老鼠叫做“璞”。

    In the state of Zhen , " Pu " meant uncarved jade1 while in the state of Zhou it meant unsalted mouse .

  8. 武王叫玉匠鉴定,玉匠说:“这是一块普通的石头。”

    King Wu asked a jade craftsman to appraise it . The jade craftsman also said : " This is a piece of ordinary stone . "

  9. 贤人林回在逃亡途中,因不堪重负,扔掉了价值千金的家传玉璧,背着自己刚刚出生的儿子,继续逃难。

    During his abscondence , the overburdened wise man Lin Hui cast away his invaluable1 jade2 passed from his ancestors and chose to advance with his newly born son .

  10. 文王听了和氏的话后,就派人把玉匠找来,命令玉匠把玉石凿开,一看果然是一块真的玉石。

    After King Wen heard this , he sent for a jade craftsman and ordered him to chisel5 open the jade . Sure enough it was a piece of genuine jade .

  11. 玉寿告诉徐冯,说自己带着许多书,可以随时查找,因而心中格外有底。

    Yu Shou told Xu Feng that he had brought many books with him , and he could resort to them at any time so he felt quite prepared for whatever problems that are coming .

  12. 其他出土的重要文物包括,小鸟形状的黄金饰品、象牙、骨雕、丝绸以及玉琮等。这次的发现进一步证明,这些坑洞是为祭祀所用,因为出土的很多文物在埋之前已经被打碎并烧毁。

    Other important items include decorative , silk and cong. The recent discoveries further confirm the theory that the pits were used for sacrificial purposes as many of the items found had been smashed and burned before being buried .

  13. 玉寿听了,觉得很有道理,当场就将随身携带的书本全部烧掉,并为自己所获得的轻松和领悟的道理而高兴得手舞足蹈。

    After hearing this , Yu Shou thought what he said made sense . Then he burned all the books he had brought at spot , and flourished with joy because of the relaxation1 he got and the truth he perceived .

  14. 〔3&~(14)C〕靛玉红的合成

    The synthesis if [ 3 -  ̄( 14 ) c ] indirubin

  15. 抗白血病药物靛玉红的N(1′)-取代物的合成

    Synthesis of n_ ( 1 ′) - substituted derivatives of indirubin , an antileukemic compound

  16. V是美德,美德是价值连城的珠玉。

    V is virtue , virtue is a jewel of great price .

  17. 916、寒玉5号2个杂交组合品质优良,其Vc含量高于0.410mg/g。

    The two hybrid combinations 916 and Hanyu 5 had excellent qualities .

  18. HPLC测定板蓝根提取物中靛蓝和靛玉红的含量

    Determination of indigo and indirubin contents in the extract of Radix isatidis by HPLC

  19. 前言:目的:采用近红外光谱(NIR)技术对大青叶中的有效成分靛玉红的提取分离工艺进行研究。

    AIM : To study the suitable conditions of the extraction-separation process of the indirubin in Folium Isatidis with NIR .

  20. 玉烟物流AGV系统改造实例

    Transform of AGV System in Yuxi Cigarette Factory Logistics

  21. 这些结果进一步表明抗癌中草药靛玉红通过插入到DNA的双螺旋链中以及与带负电荷的磷酸骨架通过静电或生成氢健来干扰DNA的合成,从而达到了抗肿瘤的效果。

    The results indicate that the herbal drug indirubin can interfere with the DNA by intercalating into the double helix of DNA and interacting with the phosphate groups of DNA .

  22. 其单颗粒强度优于同粒度的白刚玉磨料和国外SG磨料。

    The single particle strength was better than those of white alumina abrasive and SG abrasive .

  23. 目的:研究靛蓝(IB)和靛玉红(IR)对小鼠T细胞活化和增殖的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of indigo blue ( IB ) and indirubin ( IR ) on mouse T lymphocyte ′ s activation and proliferation .

  24. 作者研制的悬浮液采用悬浮剂2~3份,白刚玉微粉1份的配方,微粉Al2O3纯度超过PRP微粉。

    Besides , a kind of suspension consisted of 2 ~ 3 portions of suspension agent , 1 portion bf white corindon , the cleanness of Al2o3 micropowder surpasses PRP micropowder .

  25. 玉米不同品种对玉农乐(Nicosulfuron)的耐性及温湿效应的研究

    Research on Endurance & Effect Upon Temperature and Humidity of Corn 's Varieties to Nicosulfuron

  26. 方法采用候玉波等编制的健康行为量表和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对300名老年人进行测试,并进行相关分析。

    Methods 300 aged people were tested using Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) and health behavior measuring scale edited by HOU Yu-Bo et al to analyze correlation factors .

  27. 据此,提出了台湾海峡在晚玉木冰期属于水深在30~50m的浅海沉积环境的观点;

    Accordingly , an idea is proposed by authors that the Taiwan Strait in Late Wurm glaciation be - longs to the shallow sea sedimentary environment with a water depth of 30 - 50m .

  28. 主要研究结果如下:(1)薯玉和薯豆两种间作模式对马铃薯生长、产量、品质以及NPK吸收、氮的利用效率影响各异。

    The main results are as follows : 1.Effects of potato / maize intercropping and potato / kidney bean intercropping on yield and quality of potato and NPK absorption and nitrogen utilization efficiency vary from one to another .

  29. 在6℃下胁迫6h后,抗寒性强的玉金香电导率较对照增加幅度比抗寒性弱的白兰瓜低69%;

    When being forced 6 hours under 6 ℃, in contrast to the comparison , electric conductivity of the high chilling resistant cultivar ," Yujinxiang " is 69 % , lower than the low chilling resistant cultivar " Bailangua " .

  30. 用CNDO分子轨道法计算了中药青黛的抗肿瘤有效成分靛玉红及其衍生物的全部分子轨道指数。

    All of the molecular orbital indexes of the antitumor active ingredient , indirubin and its derivatives of Qingdai ( Indigo Naturalis ), a traditional Chinese drug were calculated with the CNDO molecular orbital method .