
  1. 炼焦煤价格总体稳定,稀缺煤种价格仍将保持在高位。

    The coking coal price will be stable on the whole , and the price of scarce coal will still maintain at high level .

  2. 第二十八条对国民经济具有重要价值的特殊煤种或者稀缺煤种,国家实行保护性开采。

    Article 28 The State shall ensure protective mining for the special or rare types of coal which are of important value to the national economy .

  3. 虽然我国煤炭资源丰富,但用于炼焦的焦煤、肥煤等稀缺煤种含量较少,资源短缺,因而在提高其采出率的同时,应提高其精煤回收率。

    Although the coal resources is rich , but the scarce coal content for cooking such as cooking coal and fat coal is less , thus enhancing its mining recovery at the same time , the washed coal recovery should be increased .

  4. 针对稀缺难浮煤入浮煤泥量日益增加的情况,采用浮选方法改善稀缺煤种的用煤质量已迫在眉捷。

    Therefore , aimed at the increasing scarcity of difficult floated coal of floatation , it has been pressing to improve the quality of the scarce coal by flotation method .