
  • 网络Sea Nymph;sea-nymph;The Nereids;Cassiopea Andromeda
  1. 阿基里斯为一名伟大的希腊战士,是海仙女特蒂斯之子。

    Achilles was a great Greek warrior and son of the sea nymph Thetis .

  2. 有着彩虹色的鱼鳍和像任何一个凡间女子的夜礼服一样极漂亮的鱼鳞,一位兴高采烈的海仙女从海底出现了,她怀中紧抱着海产珍珠来引诱她陆地上的情人。

    With iridescent fins and scales as stunning as any mortal evening gown , a rapturous sea nymph rises from the depths clasping a cache of saltwater pearls to beguile her land-bound lover .

  3. 海仙女有时会到岩石上安慰他。只有一只跟众神之王一样残忍的老鹰,天天用爪和嘴啄他。

    The sea nymphs floated up to his rock to give him their pity . An eagle , cruel as the king of the gods , came daily and tore him with his claws and Beak .