
  1. 结果表明,茶叶酱油的香气较豆类和海鲜酱油的香气成分复杂,而且香味突出。

    The results showed that the tea soy sauce and seafood soy sauce had complex aroma compositions and better fragrance .

  2. 对不同原料的酱油质量评价,其结果表明海鲜酱油的质量较豆类酱油的质量好。

    The result of soy sauce quality evaluation of different raw materials was that seafood soy sauce was higher quality than bean soy sauce .

  3. 不吃烤鸭酱、辣芥茉、海鲜沙司和酱油;

    Avoid salt , which means steering clear of the duck sauce , hot mustard , hoisin sauce and soy sauce .

  4. 牛肉或鸡肉、海鲜浸泡在香酱油里,烤或炸。海鲜厨师:负责鱼类、鲜类食品的准备,包括酱汁的制作和调味但不负责烧烤活出品。

    Beef or chicken or seafood marinated in spicy soy sauce and grilled or broiled . Fish chef : Responsible for fish dishes ( not grilled or deep fried ), prepared with their sauces and accompaniments .