
hǎi dǐ shì jiè
  • Underwater World;Sea World;Under The Sea;the bottom of the sea
  1. FindingNemo这个故事或多或少的发生在海底世界中。

    More or less the whole story of Finding Nemo takes place in an underwater world .

  2. 海底世界即是在有大海的情况下建成的。

    The underwater world is in asea of circumstances .

  3. 北京工体海底世界暖通空调设计

    HVAC design of the Blue Zoo in Beijing Workers Stadium

  4. 深海底世界观测的重要手段&深拖系统

    A New Deep Sea Survey Method - Deep Tow System

  5. 就像住在海底世界一样

    It 'll look like you 're under the sea .

  6. 但现在一份最新的数据可以帮助我们探索海底世界。

    But new data can help explore the ocean floor .

  7. 去年的时候,富国海底世界开设了一个新的表演项目――-美人鱼表演。

    Last year the aquarium introduced a new act : A mermaid performance .

  8. 月长石水族馆华丽地开始一个新的海底世界。

    Moonstone aquarium 's magnificent new undersea environment .

  9. 您可曾梦想在通往绚丽海底世界的国度渡个假?

    Have you ever dreamed of vacationing at a gorgeous gateway to an underwater world ?

  10. 而海洋生物纷繁复杂,且海底世界更是深不可测,给人类研究海洋带来了困难。

    It makes ocean study difficult that the marine and the underwater world are unfathomable .

  11. 我最近带我的小孩游玩了美国迪斯尼乐园,世界画室和海底世界。

    I recently took my kids to USA to visit disneyland , Universal Studio and seaworld .

  12. 神奇的海底世界丛生着五彩斑谰。形态各异的珊瑚。

    Magical marine world is fascicular multicoloured spot calumniate , configuration the coral of each different .

  13. 这个项目让孩子们有机会通过卫星和电脑与他一起探索海底世界。

    It lets schoolchildren travel with him by satellite and computer as he explores the underwater world .

  14. 欢迎光临[海洋印象]潜水论坛,与众不同的海底世界在等待着您!

    Welcome Visit the BBS of OCEAN IMAGE , the Amazing Underwater World is Waiting for You !

  15. 我在下一次周游海底世界的时候,也许这是最后一次,谁知道?

    I 'm going to make another underwater tour of the world-perhaps my last , who knows ?

  16. 内容简介香港的海底世界美丽而迷人,但大多数市民都不知道它的奥妙之处。

    Hong kong 's captivating underwater world is a secret of which far too few people are aware .

  17. 掀开书本每页的边页就能发现海底世界呈现给你的种种闪闪发光的小惊喜哦。

    Lift the flaps to discover all of the sparkling surprises that the ocean world has to offer .

  18. 课程包括四次海中的开放水域潜水,在此过程中您可以领略到壮观的海底世界。

    Your course includes four open water dives in the ocean amongst the reefs and its spectacular marine life .

  19. 青岛被称为东方的瑞士,著名的景点还有八大关、海底世界、小青岛,雨林谷、栈桥等。

    Qingdao is known as the Switzerland of the East , Sights like the Badaguan , the Zhanqiao , Mt.

  20. 海绵宝宝取得成功的原因之一在于,它生活在一个没有人类、也没有明显的文化参照的海底世界。

    One thing that may have helped is that SpongeBob lives in an undersea world without humans and overt cultural references .

  21. 现在,节约能源,尊重我们的地球,否则我们将会在海底世界。

    Act now , conserve energy and treat the planet with respect , or we 'll have a world at sea .

  22. 对冒险运动缺乏,您可以乘坐大约在玻璃底部船和组成美丽的海底世界。

    For the less adventurous , you can ride around in a glass bottom boat and composition the beautiful undersea world .

  23. 去过海洋生物展览馆吗?海底世界,五彩斑斓。

    Have you ever Been to the marine organism exhiBition hall ? It seems an undersea world with a riot of colour .

  24. 在海底世界里,鱿鱼直接向敌人喷射墨汁,这还不是最极端的例子。

    In the underwater ecosystem , squid simply shoot ink at their predators . However , this is not the most extreme example .

  25. 我要飞到澳大利亚,享受迷人的金色沙滩,神奇的大堡礁海底世界以及美丽的海滨。

    I flew to Australia and enjoy the enchanting golden beaches , the Great Barrier Reef magical underwater world and the beautiful seashore .

  26. 蓝色、绿色、红色和紫色的不同海洋阴影,描绘了海底世界的丰富或缺乏。

    The varying ocean shades of blue , green , red and purple depict the abundance - or lack - of undersea life .

  27. 在安徒生的一个童话里,她离开了海底世界,想变成一个真正的人。安徒生的许多幻想故事都很受欢迎哩。

    She left the world of the Sea People in search of a human soul in one of Hans Christian Andersen 's beloved fantasies .

  28. 10月10日,数百名来宾参加了一场在青岛海底世界举办的水下婚礼。按照惯例,每天晚9点会有演员扮成美人鱼和王子上台进行表演。

    Hundreds attended a submarine wedding held in Qingdao Underwater World on Oct 10.Actors performed Mermaid and Prince on the theater stage at 9 pm .

  29. 这张大白鲸的滑稽照片是圣诞节当天拍摄于日本东京东部鸭川市的鸭川海底世界。

    These amazing photograph of her underwater antics were taken at Kamogawa Sea World in Kamogawa , east of Tokyo , in Japan , on Christmas Day .

  30. 奥克兰最受欢迎的景点之一莫过于凯利塔顿海底世界了。它让游客们深入这座城市的海面以下观赏深海生物。

    One of Auckland 's most popular attractions , Kelly Tarlton 's Underwater World , takes guests under the city 's waterfront to see creatures of the deep .