
  • 网络The Magic Kingdom;Magical Kingdom
  1. 或许最让人吃惊的是游客的种类:上周在神奇王国(MagicKingdom)的人行道上,挤满了拥有各种口音、年龄、肤色和体型的游客。

    What is perhaps most startling is the sheer variety of visitors : last week all accents , ages , colours and body shapes thronged the sidewalks of the Magic Kingdom .

  2. 就在迪士尼(Disney)的“神奇王国”(MagicKingdom)准备进军“中央王国”之际,中国首富磨拳擦掌,要与“米老鼠”(MickeyMouse)争夺中国童心——以及儿童父母的钱包。

    As Disney 's Magic Kingdom prepares to enter the Middle Kingdom , China 's richest man has geared up to do battle with Mickey Mouse for the hearts of the country 's children - and their parents " wallets .

  3. 遥想沃尔特迪斯尼创立他的神奇王国时,他有一种独特的提问方式。

    Back when Walt Disney was creating his Magic Kingdom , he had a unique way of requesting input .

  4. 第二年我们带着八岁的她重返神奇王国时,她又拉我们去太空山。

    The next year we returned to the Magic Kingdom and my daughter , now eight , again dragged me to Space Mountain .

  5. 有人说金钱买不到幸福,但你可能要多花点儿钱才能进入世界上最幸福的地方——迪斯尼乐园奥兰多的神奇王国乐园的门票价格是95美元。

    AZUZ : They say money can 't buy happiness , but you 're going to need more of it to get into the happiest place on earth -- Disney is now charging $ 95 a ticket to get into Orlando 's Magic Kingdom .

  6. 你为Cora谱写一首歌,神奇的王国(迪士尼的主题公园之一)里就会有你的一席之地,宝贝。

    You do a song for Cora and there is a spot for you in the Magic Kingdom , baby . Writing a song .

  7. 在神奇的精神王国里,我会拥有像其他人一样的自由。

    In the wonderland of Mind I should be as free as another .

  8. 形象定位是喀斯特民族生态文化的摇篮,神奇的喀斯特王国。

    Positioning of image of Guizhou is " the karst ecological cradle of national culture , magical karst kingdom " .