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  • Artistry;art up
艺术化[yì shù huà]
  1. 浪漫精神&艺术化的人类的精神支柱

    Romantic Spirits & The art up human Spiritual prop

  2. 读图时代对图案创作提出了新的要求,图案创作要大众化、追求艺术化、效率化。

    The picture-reading times raises new requirement for pattern creation , which needs popularization , art up and efficiency .

  3. 现代社会使生活艺术化,艺术大众化、生活化,MTV文化无疑就是艺术生活化的最显著标志。

    The culture of MTV is a significant mark of lively art .

  4. 语言艺术化的两个维度及其在翻译中的解读

    Two Devices to Achieve Language Art and their Interpretation in Translation

  5. 不过,霓虹招牌制作师们并不重视艺术化的虚饰。

    The sign makers , however , downplay any artistic pretension .

  6. 浅谈高校课堂教学艺术化

    Discussion on the Art of Class Teaching in the Colleges

  7. 艺术化教学可以增加学习者的参与度;

    Artistic teaching can encourage the learner to participate in the study ;

  8. 高校体育课堂艺术化教学的研究

    A Study on Art of Classroom Teaching in Physical Class in Colleges

  9. 林风眠实现社会艺术化的教育思想

    The wind Lin feng-mian ' education thinkings realizes community art

  10. 在设计领域,后现代主义是第二次追求设计艺术化的时期。

    Post-modernism is the second period in which people pursue artistic design .

  11. 将需要表达的商业信息艺术化展现;

    Turn the business information art which needs to be express display ;

  12. 大学生思想教育的艺术化思考

    Some Thoughts on the Art of College Students Ideology Education

  13. 音乐是人类情感和精神生活的艺术化表现形式。

    Music is an art form of human emotion and spirtual life .

  14. 后现代主义设计艺术化现象论析

    On the Art - oriented Post - modernistic Design

  15. 对1958年至1965年期间电视播音业务艺术化特征的强调;

    Emphasize on the artistic characteristics of TV announcing from 1958 till 1965 ;

  16. 论语言艺术化的本质&语言与现实审美关系分析

    On The Essence of the Artistic Language-An Aesthetic Analysis Between Language and Reality

  17. 公益广告语言的艺术化表现

    Artistic of Expression of Advertising Language in Public Welfare

  18. 批评的艺术化&读《方卫平儿童文学理论文集》

    Critical Artistry & Reading Collection of Children Literature Theory by Fang Weiping ;

  19. 第二章回顾了本文要重点论述的三维模型艺术化绘制的一些重要工作,尤其详细探讨其关键技术轮廓线提取和消隐的进展。

    Chapter two surveys the progress about artistic rendering techniques of 3D models .

  20. 其次是它教学的艺术化。

    Buddhist teaching is full of artistic expressions .

  21. 非物质社会与艺术化生存

    Non-material society and the trends of designing culture

  22. 尼采揭示了希腊人的艺术化生存,他提出向希腊人学习。

    He describes Greeks ' artistic life and calls people to learn from them .

  23. 论广告作品的艺术化

    On the Artistic Quality of Works in Advertizing

  24. 而这种闲适的精神境界在现实人生中的具体表现则是生活艺术化。

    Showed in reality , such state of " leisure " is artistic life .

  25. 形象性思维赋予武术套路表演艺术化、技术系统化、动作形象化的特点;

    Imagery thinking makes the Wushu series to be artistic , systematize and image .

  26. 宋代人的生活中到处充满着这些完全艺术化的器物。

    The daily life of the Song Dynasty was full of the artistic appliance everywhere .

  27. 艺术化与庭院化是人性化医院空间环境具体表现的两个方面。

    Art and courtyard are two aspects of the humanization of a hospital space environment .

  28. 幽默是一种艺术化的语言形式,是需要学习和研究的。

    Humor is an interesting and profound language phenomenon , which is worth carefully researching .

  29. 套型组合后所产生的建筑造型提倡多样化、艺术化。

    Both diversification and artistry are advocated in architectural design after the combination of flats .

  30. 谈护理的艺术化

    Turning nursing into a form of art