
  1. 还有NormanFoster在德国住宅建筑中对玻璃和钢材的艺术应用。

    Or Norman Foster 's artistry in working with glass and steel in a house in Germany .

  2. 巧妙地把实景与虚景空间艺术应用于园林构景中,可以突破有限的空间而达到无限的空间。

    Applying outdoor scene and timid scene space art ingeniously can break through the limited space and create limitless space .

  3. 最后,分析探讨贵州黔东南地区苗族银饰引述的现状,提出将贵州黔东南地区苗族银饰艺术应用于现代设计的建议。

    Finally , the analysis of Guizhou Southeast Guizhou Miao silver quoted in the present situation of the Guizhou Southeast Guizhou Miao silver art used in modern design recommendations .

  4. 全文本着多角度着眼的原则,以实例分析论证的方法为基础进行研究,希望能给声乐艺术应用研究领域添砖加瓦。

    This paper considers in multi-angle principles and researches with practical analyses and demonstrations method which aims to do a little bit to help to application study of art of vocality .

  5. 其中包括了对当代数字动画前沿技术特点的研究,以及对数字动画创作工具艺术应用的研究,最后还有对国产动画发展道路的探索。

    Including the contemporary digital animation software features cutting-edge technology research and artistic applications of digital animation software research , and finally on the path of development of domestic animation was explored .

  6. 在数字动画、影视特效制作等应用中,粒子和流体是动画特效中常用的两种方法,也一直是计算机数字媒体艺术应用领域的热点,最终目的都是为了追求真实感的图形与动画。

    Digital animation , visual effects production applications , particles and fluid animation effects are frequently used in two ways , it has been the art computer digital media applications in the field of hot spots , and the ultimate goal is to pursue realistic graphics and animation .

  7. 现代服装设计中波普艺术的应用研究

    The Research Application of POP Art in Fashion Design

  8. 抗菌药抗菌谱教学中诗画艺术的应用及其效果

    Applying Poetry and Pictures in Antibacterial Spectrum Teaching

  9. 浅析三维动画艺术的应用现状与发展前景

    Present Situation and Outlook of 3D Animation Arts

  10. 纺织面料开发中视觉艺术的应用

    Application of vision art in developing spinning material

  11. 环境艺术设计应用型人才培养的探索

    Training Applied Talents in Environmental Arts Design

  12. 略谈纸纤维艺术的应用

    Paper Fiber Arts and Its Application

  13. 光的艺术及其应用

    The Art and Application of Light

  14. 第三部分主要论述现代装饰玻璃艺术的应用范围。

    The third part mainly discusses the application of the glass art in the modern decoration art .

  15. 原享受通过创建相册,圣诞贺卡和照片拼贴艺术的应用。

    Enjoy this artistic application by creating original photo albums , Xmas cards , and photo collages .

  16. 人体工程学在设计艺术中应用较为广泛,对设计造物活动的完善起到一定的辅助作用。

    Human Engineering is widely used in art design because it is helpful to the perfection of designing and creating .

  17. 浅谈高职学生的个性发展与教育构建专业平台突出个性发展&金陵科技学院艺术类应用型本科课程体系的改革

    A Brief Talk on Personality Development and Education of Higher Vocational College 's Student Construct Professional Platform , Stress Individuality Development

  18. 互动媒体艺术广泛应用在会展博览产业、互动广告、舞台美术与表演业、互动游戏等领域。

    Interactive media art is widely used in exhibition , interactive advertising , stage art , performance , interactive games and other fields .

  19. 以这为起点,这个名称又被广泛地应用到文学以外的其他艺术,应用到人类全部活动范围。

    Thence the application of the word has been extended to arts other than literature , to the whole range of the activities of man .

  20. 本文通过装置艺术的应用以及观念艺术的表达来研究实验艺术的观念,并通过我的创作实践来探讨装置艺术的观念表达。

    Through installation art applications to study experimental art , and installation art to explore through my creative practice to avoid ready-made expression of ideas .

  21. 从形式美法则出发,根据艺术玻璃应用的形式,对艺术玻璃在家具设计中方法进行系统的研究。

    Departure from the law of formal beauty , the system according to the application in the form of art glass , art glass in furniture design approach .

  22. 科技可被视作一个形成或改革文化的活动,以科学和艺术的应用为目标。

    Technology can be viewed as an activity that forms or changes culture , it is the application of science and the arts for the benefit of life .

  23. 本文全篇分为三部分,首先,通过对数码艺术各个应用领域中的偶然性表现探索数码艺术创作中偶然性的本质。

    This paper can be divided into three parts . First , it explores the nature of contingency through various applications of accidents in the field of digital art .

  24. 纯大漆艺术的应用面很广,特别在家具,陶瓷,皮革,金属,纸,琉璃和乐器等上有着无限开拓空间。

    Great paint application of pure art was very broad , especially in furniture , ceramics , leather , metal , paper , glass , and musical instruments to open up and share an unlimited space .

  25. 《九叶诗派的合壁艺术》应用深度研究模式,从不同的视角对九叶诗派的艺术进行了全面且学理化的打量。

    Exploiting the mode of deep study , Combining Art of Nine - leaf Poetic School , from variety of points of view , takes an all - round a scientific principle look at the art of the Nine - leaf poetic school .

  26. 由于当代插画艺术的应用范围更加广泛,创作手法更加自由,受到的约束更小,其作品的类别与形式都要比当代电影海报丰富的多,艺术手法上也更加丰富多彩。

    Illustrations as a result of contemporary art a more extensive range of applications , creating a more free way , bound by a small category of his works and form the rich than the more contemporary film posters , art is also more colorful way .

  27. DeltaORCA系统在河南艺术中心的应用

    Application of Delta ORCA System in Henan Arts Center

  28. 本文记述苏黎士联邦理工学院(ETH)的CAAD教学及CAM技术在建筑艺术领域的应用,体现计算机程序、人类思维、CNC机器与手工操作之间协同工作的可能。

    This paper describes the teaching of CAAD and application of CAM technic in the field of architectural art in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ( ETH ), presenting the possibilities of cooperation among computer program , people 's thinking , CNC machines and handcraft .

  29. 琅琊山小庭院的造园艺术欣赏与应用

    Appreciation and Application of Garden-building Art of Courtyard in Mountion Lang-Ya

  30. 中国传统刺绣在现代纤维艺术中的应用

    Traditional Chinese Embroidery Art Use in the Modern Application of Fiber