
  1. 但是他们彼此的思想交流通常只局限在对于艺术趣味的一般性思考上

    Their exchange of views usually remained within the limits of a pensive dilettantism .

  2. 试论时尚与艺术趣味的关系

    Tries the relation of the Vogue and Artistic Interest

  3. 三追求豪华落尽的艺术趣味。

    The pursuit of simple art effect .

  4. 巴洛克时期创作了大量永垂千史的的声乐作品,作品中涵盖了浓厚的艺术趣味。

    A great number of lasting vocal music works were created during Baroque times which implied strong artistic flavours .

  5. 具体说来,其价值体现在这样几个方面:一、可以培养学生的艺术趣味;

    Specifically mentions , its value manifests in such several aspects : First , may raise student 's artistic interest ;

  6. 尽管笔与墨被保留沿用着,但笔墨的艺术趣味早已渐渐地变淡甚至溶解。

    Although pen and ink is kept in use , but the art of " penand ink " interest has gradually become weak or even dissolve .

  7. 正是立足于建设性,克罗齐把批评看作确认真知的批判性思维,思想成果的历史性积累,艺术趣味的成熟化过程。

    Given the constructiveness of criticism , Croce takes criticism as the critical thinking of truth , the historical accumulation of intellectual gains , and the process of maturity of artistic taste .

  8. 午社发起于抗战时期论为孤岛的上海租界,一批词人基于自身艺术趣味进行结社这一活动。

    The society started in the isolated Shanghai foreign settlement in the period of Anti-Japanese War . The society was also a cultural activity of association for the interest of the artistic taste .

  9. 他的小说文类观念,不仅体现了他在思想立场与艺术趣味方面上的独特性,同时也体现了二十世纪中国小说文类观念的演变与发展。

    His novel genre concept , not only manifests his thoughts in position and artistic taste the uniqueness , but also embodies the 20th century Chinese fiction genre concept of evolution and development .

  10. 服务:集筑建筑工作室十分重视倾听业主需求,并将其作为设计创作的一部分,而非只是满足建筑师个人的艺术趣味。

    Service : IA studio attaches to the needs of the clients , and make it to be a part of the design , rather than just satisfy the personal artistic tastes of the designer .

  11. 它们同报纸和广播争相向我们报道人类的社会生活,它们同书籍竞赛,争取形成我们的世界观的权利,它们同音乐和绘画分庭抗礼,争相培养我们的艺术趣味。

    They compete with newspaper and broadcast reports to us of human social life , with books of their race , in our fight for the rights of the world , with their music and painting equal , competing nurture our artistic tastes .

  12. 本文力图从西方现代美术这一视角研究鲁迅的艺术趣味,并对鲁迅与蒙克绘画做了个案比较研究,努力勘出步入鲁迅心灵世界的精神通道。

    For this reason , the present paper is a case study of his artistic interest from the perspective of modern Western art and E. Munch 's paintings with a view to explor - ing the spiritual channels of LU Xun 's mental world .

  13. 清代帖学发展至馆阁体,艺术趣味渐趋迷弱,一批有创见性的书家将碑版质拙、古朴的韵致沉潜于笔端,发展了行草书形成新的趋势&碑学。

    Quote Studies developed to quote " guan ge ", Fun fan art is becoming weaker , a number of innovative companies of the book will be Stele quality clumsy , ancient Calmness Manifested in the pen and developed cursive formation of a new trend-monument school .

  14. 论湘南(永州)地区门窗雕饰艺术的趣味变迁

    By Hunan South ( Yongzhou ) Local Windows and Doors Decorative Carving Art Interest Vicissitude

  15. 吴伟业与王氏等高门交往密切,除了文学、艺术上趣味相投外,亦有其政治需要。

    The relationship between Wu Weiye and wang 's family rooted not only on the same interest in literature and art but also on the political need .

  16. 山水画题材较之以前有了很大的进步,艺术审美趣味也得到进一步提高与转变,山水画从人物画中脱离出来形成独立的画种,技法与理论在这一时期交相辉映,互相影响。

    Landscape painting themes than previously had very great progress , aesthetic tastes have been further improved and transformation of landscape painting , figure painting is formed from separate independent painting , techniques and theories in this period add radiance and beauty to each other , and influence each other .

  17. 处在这样的文化背景下,我们更加关注艺术作品的趣味。

    In the cultural background , we pay more attention to the artistic taste .

  18. 艺术中的趣味和教化

    The Interest and Civilization in Art

  19. 本部分首先分析了他人生的艺术经历对趣味形成的影响。

    In this chapter , firstly effect of his personal art experience on the forming of taste was analyzed .

  20. 永井荷风是日本唯美主义文学的代表作家,他创作了大量富有江户趣味的作品,以江户趣味为依托深入探索日本传统文化艺术与审美趣味。

    Nagai kafu is a representative writer of Japanese aesthetic literature . He created a great number of works with " Edo interest " .

  21. 就这种信仰而言,歌剧便成为艺术上庸俗趣味的表现,于是以理论家的乐观主义欣欣然对艺术发号施令。

    This belief would make opera the expression of the taste of the laity in art , dictating their laws with the cheerful optimism of the theoretical man .

  22. 其次,巫文化具有的诗、史传统,激发了寻根作家对小说艺术形式饶有趣味的探索。

    In addition , the witch culture has a poetry and historical tradition , which stimulates the seeking roots writers to explore the artistic forms of fictions with great enthusiasm .

  23. 另一方面,大众文化负面效应比如商业味浓重,缺乏艺术个性,趣味低俗等特点对民族声乐的发展产生了消极的影响。

    The other hand , the negative effects of mass culture such as commercial taste heavy , lack of artistic personality , fun low had a negative impact on the development of national vocal music .

  24. 和的音乐美学思想奠基、形成并系统发展于先秦两汉时期,它奠定了中国古代艺术的审美趣味,给后代的音乐美学思想带来深刻影响。

    Union and harmony idea of musical aesthetic theory came into being and developed in pre-Qin and Han . It rooted the aesthetic taste of Chinese ancient arts and it made a deep influence on the later generations .

  25. 同时,新市民小说家也以其贴近世俗生活的姿态和注重人生安稳的一面,尤其是艺术上注重趣味的追求,迎合了当时战乱时期读书市场的需求,从而赢得了大量的读者群体。

    Meanwhile , new citizens novelist has its close to secular life attitude and pay attention to life in one side , especially the pursuit of art on notice interest at war period , catering to the needs of the market , and read won a lot of reader groups .

  26. 韩愈的散文创作表现出独特的艺术风格和审美趣味。

    Han Yu 's prose display a unique article style and aesthetic conceptions .

  27. 论哈尔斯与维米尔绘画艺术的大众审美趣味

    The Aesthetic Interest in the Public of Hals and Vermeer 's Painting Art

  28. 朴素作为一种艺术风格或审美趣味,在中国古代美学史上具有特殊的意义。

    As an artistic style or an aesthetic interest , simplicity has its special meaning in the ancient Chinese aesthetics .

  29. 他致力于在表现自己的艺术追求、审美趣味的同时,也尽可能使广大观众从观看电影的过程中得到娱乐。

    He has devoted himself to pursuing his artistic preference and aesthetic taste . Meanwhile , he has tried his best to make sure that the audience can be entertained by his movies .

  30. 宋代审美之盛既表现为对唐代审美成果之全面继承,更表现为古典艺术审美形式、趣味、手法之精致化,词即其典型代表,总体审美风格体现为内敛柔丽。

    Succeeding the aesthetic achievements of the Tang Dynasty , the aesthetic style of the Song Dynasty is seen in seeking exquisite aesthetic form , taste , and manner , e. g. Ci is a typical representative .